the moon is the second brightest object in our sky after the sun
the moon is nonluminous and has noatmosphere
it keeps the earth balanced
earth = x10N. moon = x1.67N
365 days for the earth to orbit the sun
28 days for the moon to orbit the earth
the moon was formed when a large object collided with the earth (roughly mars size) this removed material from the earth into orbit which fused together and formed the moon (4.6billionyearsago)
the moon is made up of rock,metal and gas
phase 1: the new moon, theearthsun and moon are in a straight line, you cant see the moon
phase 2: waxingcrescent, you can see less of half the moon
phase 3: firstquartermoon, day 7 we can see exactly half of the moon
phase 4: waxinggibbous
phase 5: thefullmoon, day 14, the sun earth and moon are on a straight line again but the moon is on the opposite side of the earth