Cleaning streets/water supplies. Quarantining the sick. Dissecting dead bodies to learn
18th-19th century ideas about causes
Germ theory. Miasma
18th-19th century ideas about treatment
Herbal remedies
18th-19th century ideas about prevention
Smallpox vacccination. Antiseptic. Sewers. Clean water
Modern ideas about causes
DNA. Germs
Modern ideas about treatment
Antibiotic. Chemical drugs. Blood transfusions
Modern ideas about prevention
NHS. Knowledge. Research
Black Death
Vesalius publishes The Fabric of the Human Body
William Harvey publishes his book on blood circulation
Great Plague of London
Thomas Sydenham publishes Observations Medicae
Edward Jenner develops first vaccine
James Simpson discovers chloroform
Joseph lister uses carbolic acid in surgery
Louis Pasteur Germ Theory
John Snow discovers the significance of the broad street pump causing cholera
Karl Landsteiner discovers blood groups
Second Public Health Act
1875. It is made compulsory to improve sewers/drainage/clean water
The Church in Medieval England
Priests wrote all the books dictating medical knowledge so everybody had to be religious.
Fleming discovers penicillin
First Magic bullet
1909- the Salvarsan 606
NHS introduced
Human Genome Project began
Education in medieval England
The church controlled education
Housing in medieval England
Whole families (with animals) would live in one room.
Communication in medieval England
Most people were illiterate
Supernatural explanations of illness (medieval)
Religion and astrology
Rational explanations of illness (medieval)
Miasma and The four humours
The theory of the four humours
Four liquids within the body (blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm) if they became unbalanced you became ill. To get better the humours have to be rebalanced
Galen emphasized the importance of
studying body structure
Galen's theory of opposites
Based on the four humours but instead of ridding yourself of the excess humour, you needed more of the other humours
Alternative medieval treatments if religion failed