Cards (8)

  • Direct Transmission:
    • Direct contact
    • Droplet spread
  • Indirect Transmission:
    • Airborne
    • Vehicle-borne
    • Vector-borne (mechanical or biologic)
  • Herd Immunity - suggests that if a high enough proportion of individuals in a population are resistant to an agent, then those few who are susceptible will be protected by the resistant majority
  • Persistent Infections - occur because the body is unable to clear the organism after the initial infection
  • Natural History and Spectrum of Disease:
    • Stage of Susceptibility
    • -Exposure
    • Stage of Subclinical Disease (-Pathologic Changes)
    • -Onset of Symptoms
    • Stage of Clinical Disease (-Usual Time of Diagnosis)
    • Stage of Recovery, Disability, or Death
  • Infectivity - proportion of exposed persons who become infected
  • Pathogenicity - proportion of infected individuals who develop clinically apparent disease
  • Virulence - proportion of clinically apparent cases that are severe or fatal