Dorsal column medial lemniscal (DCML) pathway (touch and proprioception)
DCML pathway
Ascends through the dorsalcolumn on the ipsilateral side, synapses in the medulla, crossesover and ascends via the mediallemniscus to the thalamus (Ventral Posterior), projects to the cortex
ST pathway
Crosses to the contralateral side in the spinal cord, ascends via the spinothalamic tract, synapses in the thalamus (Ventral Posterior), projects to the cortex
Information carried in each somatic sensory pathway remains segregated all the way to the cortex
Upper and lower motor neurons
Upper motor neurons are in the brain, controllowermotor neurons and parts of the brain
Lower motor neurons are in the ventral horn of the spinalcord, innervate muscles and glands, send information to upper motor neurons
Rigid paralysis
Muscles are contracted and become rigid and immoveable
Flaccid paralysis
Muscles are relaxed and become floppy
Possible injury sites for diagnosing spinal cord
Spinal nerve
Ventral root or horn
Dorsal root or DRG
Dorsal column
Spinal pathway
Lateral horn
Spinal cord hemi section
Types of glands
Endocrine glands
Ductless, secrete hormones into surrounding tissue fluid, receive hormones through vascular or lymphatic drainage
Examples of endocrine glands
Exocrine glands
Have ducts, secrete nonhormonal products directed to membrane surfaces
Characteristics of hormonal secretions
Chemical substances secreted by cells into extracellular fluids, regulate metabolic function of other cells in the body
General classes of hormones
Amino acid-based hormones
Steroid hormones
Actions of hormones
Alter plasma membrane permeability
Alter protein or regulatory molecule synthesis
Activate or inactivate enzyme
Induce secretory activity
Stimulate mitosis
Mechanisms of hormone effects
1. G-protein linked receptor activation of intracellular second messengers (amino acid-based hormones)
2. Directgene activation (steroid hormones)
Target cell specificity
Presence and location of specific protein receptors