It won't be the sametoGeorgewithoutme, but it's a lovely farm.
Live people don't understanddothey? They're sort of shutupintheirlittleboxesaren'tthey?
I feel as though I knew themathousandyearsago.... my boy is spending the day at Mrs Carter's.MrCarter,mylittleboyisspendingthedayatyourhouse.
Oh look, they've finished. They'regoing.Father Gibbs isbringingsomeofmyflowers to you. He looks justlikeGeorge, doesn'the?
It's a little coolernowthanitwas.Thatrainhasputachillintheair.
I can't. I can't go on. It goes toofast. We don't havetimetolookatone another.
Do any human beings ever realiselifewhiletheyliveit? - every, every minute?
I always liked thathymn. I was hoping they'dsingahymn. It seems thousandsandthousands of years since....
papa remembered thatwasmyfavoritehymn.
how do you do Mr. Stimson? Mrs Soames, hello, mother Gibbs. Such a shame ithastorainforthefuneral. I suppose they'llbegonesoon.
Mother Gibbs, George and I have madethatfarmintojustthebest placeyoueversaw. We thought ofyouallthetime.
We wanted to show you the newbarn and a great long ce-ment drinking fountain for the stock. We bought that outofthemoneyyouleftus.
Well, there's a patent device onthedrinkingfountainsothatitneveroverflows, Mother Gibbs, and it never sinksbelowacertainmarktheyhavethere.It'sfine.
Oh, mother Gibbs, I never realised beforehowtroubledandhow... how in the darklivepersonsare.
Look at him, I loved himso.Frommorningtillnight, that's all they are- troubled.
Mother Gibbs, when does this feelinggoaway? - Of being ....oneofthem? How long does it.....?
Mother Gibbs, one can gobackthere again....into living. Ifeelit.Iknowit.
Why just then for a moment Iwasthinkingabout....aboutthe farm.....and for a minute Iwasthere, and my baby was onmylap plainasday.
I can go back there and live all those days over again.
Oh, I can see from yourfacethatyoudon'tapprove, doyou. But I won't live overasadday. I'll choose the dayIfirstknewthat I lovedGeorge. Why should that bepainful?
What do you think MrsSoames, MrsWebb? (beat) Very well then I'll chooseanunimportantday.
Nothing since I was married, or sincethebabywasborn.I'llchooseabirthday - my twelfthbirthday, fourteenyearsago, February11th, 1899. It was a Tuesday.
There's Main Street... Why, that'sMrMorgan'sdrugstorebeforehechangedit! . ... And there's theliverystable.
There's Howie Newsome deliveringthemilkandConstableWarren, ourpoliceman.Yes, that's the town Iknewasalittlegirl
And, look, there's the old white fence thatusedtobearoundourhouse.Oh, I'dforgottenthat! Oh, I love it so!
And there's Mama calling us all for breakfast. Oh, howyoungMamalooks! Ididn'tknowshewaseverthatyoung.
I can't bear it. (steps back) They're so youngandbeautiful. Why did they everhavetogetold? Mama, I'm here.
I'm all grown up. Ilove you all, everything - I can't lookateverythinghardenough.
Oh, mama, just look at me one minute asthoughyoureallysawme.Mama, fourteenyearshavegoneby.I'mdead.
You're a grandmother, Mama. I married GeorgeGibbs, Mama.Wally'sdead, too.Mama, hisappendixburstona camping trip to North Conway. We felt just terribleaboutit - don'tyouremember? But, just for a moment we're happy.
I can't. I can't go on. It goes toofast. We don't havetimetolookatoneanother.
I didn't realise. So all that was goingonandwenevernoticed.Take me back - up
thehill-tomygrave. But first: Wait! Onemorelook.
Goodbye. goodbye, world. Goodbye Grover's Corners.. Mama and Papa.
Goodbye to clocks ticking
and Mama's sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new-ironed dresses and hot baths
and sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you're too wonderful for anybody to realise you.
Do any humanbeingseverrealiselife while they live it? - every, every minute?