Connection between client and therapist, increasedconnection creates greater outcomes
Types of therapy
Insight therapies
Behavioral therapies
Insight therapies
Help gain insight into cause
Behavioral therapies
Change behavior to decrease distress and improve outcome
Drug therapies
An emotionally charged, confiding interaction between a therapist and someone with psychological difficulties
Freudian technique of bringing unconsciousimpulses and conflicts into conscious awareness where the patient can deal with them
Free association
Spontaneous expression of thoughts and feelings exactly as they occur with little censorship
Blockage in the flow of freeassociation; hint that anxiety lurks in the unconscious
Makes you aware of resistance
Clients start relating to therapists in ways that mimic critical relationships, transferring the conflictingfeelings onto the therapist
Dream analysis
Interpretation of the symbolic meaning of dreams
Psychodynamic therapy
Replaced traditional psychoanalysis, once a week face-to-face interactions; therapists look for recurring themes especially in relationships
Humanistic Therapy
Believes personal distress is due to incongruence rooted in over dependence on others for approval and acceptance
Client centered therapy
Aims to bridge gaps between actualself vs. perceivedself vs. reality by providing genuine, nonjudgemental acceptance empathy to facilitate client's growth
Active listening
Empathetic listening in which listener echos, restates, clarifies - therapist seeks to be psychologicalmirror
Behavior Therapy
Applies learning principles to eliminate unwanted behaviors and assumes behaviors are the problems, doesn't need to look for inner causes
Exposure therapy
Treats anxieties by exposing people to what they fear/avoid
Systematic desensitization
Associates a pleasantrelaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli
VR exposure therapy
Stimulation of fears, useful for hard to replicate fears
Aversion therapy
Uses classicalconditioning to associate an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior by substituting a positive response with a negative one
Operant conditioning
Reinforcedesired behaviors, withhold punishment for undesired behaviors
People earn a token for exhibiting a desired behavior, can later exchange tokens for rewards
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Teaches people new, moreadaptive ways of thinking and acting, helps people discover their irrationalities, trains them to engage in reality testing
Changing what people say to themselves
An effective way to change their thinking
Biomedical therapy
Psychological interventions intended to reduce symptoms associated with psychological disorders
Anti-anxiety drugs
Work to depress the CNS to reduce tension, apprehensions, nervousness, tranquilizers inhibit GABApathways, effects are immediate but short lived, risk for addiction
Antipsychotic drugs
Used primarily to treat Schizophrenia by blocking dopamine activity
Treats positive symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoia by dampening responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli
Tardive dyskinesia
Involuntaryticklike movements of facial muscles, tongues, limbs
Increases mood by increasing norepinephrine and serotonin
Blocks reuptake of serotonin from synapse
Blocks reuptake of both serotonin and norepinephrine
Psychological effects of antidepressants take weeks
drug therapies: effective with severe disorders that defy other forms of therapy; critics argue that results are superficials Short-lived
Electroconculsive therapy: biomedical treatment in which electric shock is used to produce a cortical seizure accompanied by convulsions; used primarily in severe cases of mood disorders, particularly depression in which patients have not responded well to other forms of therapy; specific mechanism unknown but considered neural "reset"
Psychological disorder
Clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotional regulation, or behavior
Psychological disorder
Persistently harmful thoughts, feelings, actions that interfere with daily functioning