Cycle 8: Control of Gene Expression

Cards (32)

  • Types of stem cells

    Embryonic, adult/ somatic, iPSC, umbilical cord stem cells
  • What do stem cells express?
  • Totipotent
    Can form an entire viable organism (the zygote is the only truly totipotent cell)
  • Pluripotent
    Can form nearly all cells
  • Multipotent
    Can differentiate into a family of cells
  • Unipotent
    Can only form one cell type (epidermal stem cell)
  • Difference between a somatic cell and a unipotent stem cell

    Unipotent cells don't reach cell senescence, they self-renew. Somatic cells eventually reach their Hayflick limit and must enter irreversible cell cycle arrest
  • All stem cells have the exact same
    Genome (excluding spontaneous mutations)
  • Spatial and temporal regulation of gene expression determine
    What cell type a stem cell can give rise to
  • Spatial regulation
    Where (in what cell/ part of the body)
  • Temporal regulation
    When (at what time/ under what conditions)
  • Steps of stem cell division

    Hibernating stem cell (in the niche), symmetric self-renewal, asymmetric self-renewal, symmetric differentiation
  • Symmetric self-renewal and symmetric differentiation are coupled to
    Maintain count
  • Progenitor cells are committed to

  • 2 types of progenitor cells
    Multipotent progenitor, committed progenitor
  • Role of stem cells in the body
    Regenerate adult tissues (ex: epidermal stem cells, intestinal villi stem cells)
  • Transcription factors are key to
    Determining differentiation (Wnt, EGF, Notch. Stem cells require the factors to enter G1)
  • Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) uses
    Macular degeneration (risk of cancer), burn victims (iPSC skin not fully identical)
  • Lac operon
    Form of transcriptional regulation in E. coli. Only want to express Lac operon when lactose is in the environment. Otherwise, glucose is preferentially metabolized
  • LacZ function
    Digests lactose into galactose and glucose
  • LacY function
    Transports lactose into cell
  • When lactose is present

    Allolactose isomer binds to Lac repressor and inactivates it. RNA polymerase binds to promoter, transcription is initiated
  • Spliceosomes are
    Complexes made of snRNPs (protein + RNA) and the pre-mRNA
  • Pre-mRNA is cut at very specific places

    Called 5' and 3' splice site recognition sequences (3' splice site is NCAG), intron is removed and exons are joined together
  • Normal mRNA splicing

    snRNPs that recognize the 5' splice site look downstream for the next 3' splice site that has a snRNP. snRNPs that recognize the 3' splice site look upstream for the closest 5' splice site that has a snRNP.
  • Alternative splicing is normal too
    A snRNP at a 5’ splice site never looks for a second snRNP at the next 5’ splice site. It only cares about the next 3’ splice site. May produce a functional protein
  • Aberrant mRNA splicing

    For example a 3' is mutated beyond recognition. This may produces a non-functional protein, if exon 3 is important to function
  • B-thalassemia (when splicing goes wrong)

    Blood disorder caused by abnormal hemoglobin, 2 key points (G-A mutation in intron creates a new 3' splice site, expression of an early stop codon causes premature termination of translation
  • What drug is used for treatment of sickle cell anemia and b-thalassemia?
    CTX001 drug
  • Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than

    Adult hemoglobin (gene is present in adults, just turned off)
  • Drop in fetal HbF is due to
    BCL11A (a transcription factor)
  • Steps of treatment for sickle cell anemia and b-thalassemia
    Hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells from healthy donors (don't express HbF - they are from adults). Edit using CRISPR -Cas9 (mutate the erythroid enhancer region so that BCL11A is not produced, production of HbF). Grow and put in patient bone marrow. Patient stem cells can send out progenitors, differentiate into RBC with HbF. Stem cells self renew (always have supply of stem cells with HbF)