Prosthetics and Orthodics

Cards (14)

  • Prosthetist
    Designs artificial limbs and fit them for pts.
  • Orthodist
    designs, fabricates, fits custom-made orthopedics braces/"orthoses", fitting prefabricated devices, and patient related care.
  • Responsibilites of a prothetist/orthodist
    pt evaluation, problem-solving (goal - mobility), treatment advice, prothesis/orthrosis creation, pt fitting, education and updates.
  • Pt population
    Prosthetic and Orthotic Users
  • Largest cause of pt population for prosthetic users
    Amputees - Vascular/Diabetic
  • A pt experienced electroconduction and is a prosthetic user. What are the possible causes for electroconduction?
    Cancer and cogenital
  • A pt experienced trauma and is a prosthetic user. What are the possible causes for the trauma?
    Vehicle and work/agricultural accidents
  • Patient population - Orthodic Users
    Stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord/brachial plexus/orthropedic injury, and osteoartheritis.
  • Pro/Orthro Educational pathway

    BS in Healthcare, Masters, Residency, ABC exam
  • Pro/Orthro Credentials- CPO/LPO (Certified/Licensed Prosthetic-Orthrotist)
  • 82% of pts they work w/ are....
  • Examples of facility types are: - single location - national - military - rehab - manufacturing
  • T or F: Dental laboratory technicians is a career advancement for pros/orthros
  • T or F: Physical therapy is NOT career advancement for pros/orthros