aa - of each
abd -Abdomen
ac - before meals
ad - To, up to
a.d - Right ear
ad lib - At pleasure, freely
AM - morning
amp - Ampule of medication
aq - water
a.s - left ear
ASA - Aspirin
ATC - around the clock
au - each ear
BCP - Birth Control Pill
bid - Twice a day
BM - Bowel movement
BP - Blood Pressure
BPH - Benign prostatic hypertrophy
BS - Blood sugar
BSA - Body Surface Area
c - with
Ca - Calcium
CAD - Coronary Artery Diseases
DJD - Degenerative joint disease
DM - Diabetes mellitus
DO - Doctor of osteopathy
DW - Distilled water
Dx - Diagnosis
elix - Elixir
EtOH - Ethanol
Ft - Make, let it b made
g - Gram
GERD - Gastro esophageal reflux Disease
GI - Gastrointestinal
GU - Genitourinary
gr - grain
gtt - a drop
HA - Headache
HBP - High blood pressure
HCTZ - Hydrochlorothiazide
HR - Heart rate
HRT - Hormone replacement therapy
hs- at bed time
HTN - hypertension
inj - an injection
IV - Intravenous injection
IM - Intramuscular injection
ID- Intradermal injection
IU - International unit
JRA - Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
KCl - Potassium Chloride
kg - kilogram
L - liter
mcg - microgram
mEq - milliequivalent
mg - milligram
mg/kg - milligrams/kilogram
mg/m2 - milligrams/square meter
ml - milliliter
mOsmol - milliosmole
min - minimum
MOM - Milk of Magnesia
MS - Morphine Sulfate
MTX - Methotrexate
MVI - multivitamins
m - mix
N&V - Nausea and vomiting
non rep/NR - Do not repeat
noct - at night
NS - Normal Saline
NTG - Nitroglycerine
OA - Osteoarthritis
OCD - Obsessive compulsive disorder
OJ - Orange Juice
O2 - Oxygen
ou - Each eye
od - Right eye
os - Left eye
P - Pulse
pc - after eating
PEFR - Peak expiratory flow rate
pm - evening
qid - four times daily
qod - every other day
qs - as much as is sufficient
qs ad - a sufficient quantity to (prepare)
qh - every hour
RA - rheumatoid arthritis
RN - Registered Nurse
Rect - use rectally
s - without
ss - one-half
SC - Subcutaneous injection
Sig - write on label
SL - Sublingual
SLE - Systemic lupus erythematous
SOB - Shortness of breath
sol - Solution
SQ or SubQ - Subcutaneous injection
stat - immediately
sup - Suppository
Susp - Suspension
Sx - Symptom
syr - Syrup
T - temperature
TB - tuberculosis
TCN - Tetracycline
TED - Thromboembolic disease
TIA - Transient ischemic attack
tid - three times a day
tiw - three times a week
tbsp. - tablespoon
TMP-SMX - Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
tsp - teaspoon
top - (use) topical
Tx - treatment
U - unit
UA - Uric acid, urinalysis
UC - Ulcerative colitis
ud - as directed
ung - ointment
URI - Upper respiratory infection
ut dict - as directed
UTI - Urinary tract infection
WA - while awake
wk - week
caps- Capsule
cc - cubic centimeter (ml)
CHF - Congestive heart failure
COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP - Chest pain
dil - dilute
dtd - let such doses be given
DC - Discontinue medication
DES - Diethylstilbestrol
disp - Dispense
div – Divide