Cards (10)

  • It is a ripened ovary containing seed. They are physiologically described as the protector of the seed.
  • This fruit results from when there is one matured ovary, which means it develops from the ripening of a single ovary.
    Simple Fruit
  • Dalandan, tomato, avocado, and mango, are examples of...

    Simple Fruit
  • This fruit is developed from several ovaries in one flower.
    Aggregate Fruit
  • Atis, strawberry, and ratiles, are examples of...
    Aggregate Fruit
  • This fruit is from the ovaries of several flowers crowded together on one stem.
    Multiple/Collective Fruit
  • Pineapple, blackberry, and raspberry, are examples of...
    Multiple/Collective Fruit
  • This fruit results mostly from other floral parts, such as the receptacle. Apple and pear are examples of this fruit.
    Accessory Fruit
  • This fruit is soft and pulpy when fully matured. These are classified ti berry, drupe, pome, and pepo.
    Fleshy Fruit
  • This fruit is hard and papery when fully matured. Ex: Grain and Nut
    Dry Fruit