AO1 - Bowlby's Theory of Maternal Deprivation

    Cards (7)

    • Maternal deprivation - the emotional and intellectual consequences of extended separation between a child and their mother or mother substitute (1) where a child loses an aspect of care within the critical period. (1)
    • Separation - child not being in the presence of the PCG (NOT ASSESSED)
    • Deprivation - lose an element of mother care through extended separation which can cause harm (NOT ASSESSED)
    • Bowlby suggested the idea that continued nurture from a mother or mother substitute within the first 2.5 years of life (critical period) is important for healthy psychological development (1)
    • If a child has extended periods of separation from the mother within the critical period, where an element of care is lost, then psychological damage is inevitable and irreversible (1)
    • Intellectual damage:
      • includes cognitive impairment, such as intellectual delay, shown by abnormally low IQ (1)
      • Goldfarb found lower IQ in children who had remained in institutions (less emotional care) compared to those who had been fostered (more emotional care) (1)
    • Emotional damage
      • includes affectionless psychopathy, this is the inability to experience guilt or strong emotions for others (1)
      • this prevents the person developing normal relationships and is associated with criminality - affectionless psychopaths also lack remorse (1)