biological approach explaining OCD

    Cards (10)

    • AO1 genetic explanation
      • family studies have given support into the biological explanation of OCD
      • nestadt 2000
      • reviewed twin studies68% of MZ twins shared OCD 31% of DZ twins shared OCD 
      • marini 2012
      • family studies found that a person with a family member diagnosed with OCD IS 4x as likely to develop it 
      • therefore 
      • suggests that theres some genetic influence on the development of OCD
    • AO1- brain structure
      • several regions in the frontal lobes have abnormal brain circuits in patients with OCD
      orbitofrontal cortex
      - region that converst sensory information into thoughts and actions
      - PET scans have found higher activity when carrying out activities that produce
      OCD symptoms 
      - heightened activity increases the conversion of sensory information to behaviours which results in compulsions
    • more genetic explanations
      • identified specific candidate genes which are implicated in OCD
      • OCD is polygenic which means several genes are involved
      • taylor 2003
      • 230 genes are involved, different genetic variations contribute to the different types of OCD
      • COMT gene
      • COMT regulates dopamine 
      • higher levels of dopmaine are found in OCD patients, which may link this gene 
      • SERT gene 
      • lower levels of serotonin is associated with OCD and despression 
      • affects the transport of serotonin 
    • AO1 the role of serotonin
      • low levels of serotonin explains cases of some OCD 
      • serotonin helps regulate mood 
    • decision making systems
      • its associated with abnormal functioning of the lateral of the frontal lobes of the brain
      • the frontal lobe: responsible for logical thinking and making decisions
      • left parahippocampul gyrus: associated with processing unpleasant emotions, functions abnormally in OCD
    • AO3 research support
      • nestadt 2010: reviewed twin studies, 68% of MZ twins shared OCD, 31% of DZ twins
      • nestadt 2000: proposes that individuals who have first degree relatives with OCD are 5x as likely to develop OCD, compared to members of the general population without a general link
      • research from family studies provide support for the genetic explanation for OCD, although it doesnt rule out other environmental factors playing a role
    • AO3 environmental risk factors
      • genetic model ignores theres environmental risk factod
      • evidence: genetIc variation can make a person more or less vulnerable to OCD
      • OCD doesn't appear to be entirely from genetic origin, environmental risk factors trigger or increase the risk of developing OCD
      • cromer 2007: over 1/2 of OCD clients in their sample had experienced a traumatic event in their past
      • OCD is more severe with 1 or more traumas
      • genetic vulnerability only provides a partial explanation for OCD
    • AO3 research support
      • antidepressants work purely on serotion, are effective in reducing OCD symptoms
      • which suggests serotonin is involved in OCD
      • OCD symptoms are known to form part of biological disorders which assumes the biological processes underlie OCD
      • which supports and suggests that biological factors are responsible for OCD
    • AO3 brain structure
      • issue with understanding neural mechanisms involved with OCD
      • research identified other areas of the brain are involved with OCD
      • this means
      • theres no brain system which has constantly played a role in OCD
      • although, theres evidence of neurotransmitters and brain structures
      • theres no concluded cause and effect
    • AO3 no unique neural system
      • many people with OCD also experience clinical depression, which is co morbidity
      • this depression involves disruption to the action of serotonin
      • this has logical problem when it comes to serotonin as a basis for OCD
      • it could be the serotonin activity is disrupted in many people with OCD, as they're depressed as well
      • this means that serotonin may not be relevant to OCD symptoms
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