Ventilation – process of moving gases into and out of the lungs
Diffusion – exchange of respiratory gases in the alveoli and capillaries.
Perfusion – ability of the cardiovascular system to pump oxygenated blood to the tissues and return deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
Hypoventilation- inadequate to meet oxygen demand of the body. Also, it is shallow and slow breathing
Hyperventilation- state of ventilation in which lungs remove carbon dioxide faster than its produced cellular metabolism. It is also deep and fast breathing
Hypoxia- inadequate tissue oxygenation at the cellular level. Or low oxygen levels in the blood in our body.
Hypovolemia - decreased volume of circulating blood in our body. It also cause of loosing blood
Dyspnea -it is the shortness or difficulty of breathing
What do you called to this abnormality?
Clubbing fingers
Oxygentheraphy - it is also known as SupplementalOxygen for treatment that provides extra oxygen to breathe.
What do you called this?
nasal cannula
What do you called this?
facial mask
What do you called this?
non rebreathermask
What do you called this?
What do you called this?
POSTURALDRAINAGE- Technique that involves laying/ sitting in certain positions to drain secretions from airways using Gravity.
Nebulization - to add moisture and medication to inspired air.
What do you called this?
HUFF COUGH – stimulates a natural cough reflex. Effective for clearing central airways.
QuadCoughTechnique - For patients
without abdominal muscle control such as those with spinal cord injuries. It is for patient with paralysis.
What do you called this?
incentive spirometry
NPPV- Noninvasivepositivepressureventilation
Pneumothorax - air collects in the pleural space.
Hemothorax - accumulation of blood in the pleural space.
Pleuraleffusion - excessive fluid in the pleural space.
Types of sunctioning - oral, nasal, endotracheal,tracheostomy
Types of et sunctioning - opensunction and closedsunction