Cards (25)

  • Backshore is..

    The upper beach closest to the land, including any cliffs or sand dunes.
  • Abrasion is...

    A form of erosion where loose material 'sandpapers' the walls and floors of the river, cliff or glacier.
  • Beach morphology is...
    The surface shape of the beach.
  • Coastal Recession is...
    The retreat of a coastline due to erosion, sea- level rise or submergence.
  • Concordant Coast is...
    A coastline where bands of alternate geology run parallel to the coast.
  • A Dalmatian Coast is:
    • A concordant coastline with several river valleys running perpendicular to the coast.
    • They become flooded to produce parallel long islands and long intels.
  • DEFRA's 1:1 Cost-Benefit Analysis:
    The evaluation of a coastal town's economic value compared to the cost of the management required.
  • A discordant coast is a coastline where bands of alternate geology run perpendicular to the shore.
  • Dynamic Equilibrium:
    Refers to the attempt by a natural system to achieve a balance by making constant changes in response to a constantly changing system.
    Only reached when the rates on inputs and outputs of the systems are equal, despite these constant changes.
  • Emergent Coast:
    • a coastline that is advancing relative to the sea level at the time
  • Eustatic is..
    Global changes to sea levels.
  • Foreshore is defined as...

    The lower part of the beach covered at least twice a day at high tide.
    It is the part of the beach receiving the most regular/ constant wave action.
  • Freeze- thaw is a process that is a form of physical sub-aerial weathering where water freezes in the cracks of a rock, then expanding and enlarging the original crack (weakening the rock).
  • Geology is:
    The structure and arrangement of a rock.
  • Glacial Erosion:
    Refers to the removal of loose material by glacier ice- involving plucking, abrasion, crushing and basal meltwater.
    Necessary in the formation of Fjords.
  • Grading is the layering of sediments based on their size.
  • High- energy environment:
    A coast where wave action is predominantly large destructive waves, causing a great deal of erosion.
  • Impermeable refers to...

    A characteristic of a rock that means rainwater does not pass through.
  • Isostatic:
    A change in local coastline or land height relative to the sea level.
  • Littoral Cell:
    A section of the coast- within which involves plenty of sediment movement.
  • Permeable refers to...

    A characteristic of a rock that allows rainwater to pass through.
  • Plant Succession:
    A process by which a series of different plant communities occupy an area over time.
    Can occur after events like forest fires.
  • Sub-aerial Processes:
    Encapsulates the joint effects of mass movement and weathering on the coastal land above sea.
  • Submergent coast is a coast that is sinking relative to the sea level of the time.
  • Till:
    Deposits of angular rock fragments in a finer medium.