Rolling Robots – they have wheels to movearound. They can quickly and easily search.However, they are only useful in flat areas.
Walking Robots – these are robots on legsthat are usually brought in when the terrainis rocky. Most robots have at least 4 legs;usually they have 6 or more.
Remote-Controlled Robots - A person can guidethe robot by using a remote control. This willallow a person to perform hazardous orchallenging tasks from a distance.
First Law: A robot may not injure a human beingor, through inaction, allow a human being tocome to harm.
Third Law: A robot must protect its ownexistence as long as such protection does notconflict with the First or Second Law.
“Zeroth Law” - A robot may not harm humanity,or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
Second Law: A robot must obey the orders givenit by human beings, except where such orderswould conflict with the First Law.
Autonomous Robots -self supporting or in otherwords self contained. In a way they rely on theirown ‘brains’. They perform tasks in anenvironment without the need for constantsupervision.
Robots are usually applied in Four D’s:Dirty, Dangerous, Dull, andDifficult for human to perform
Arduino - microcontroller board, which isessentially an entire computer on a chip. It has aprocessing core, memory, and input and outputcontrols all in one chip.
Stationary Robots - Most robots performrepeating tasks without ever moving an inch.These kind of robots are commonly ‘working’ inindustry settings and are stationary.
Isaac Asimov – coind the word “robotics” usedto describe this field of study.
Artificial Intelligence - A term used to describeany computer that seems to think like andpossibly act like a human.
Domestic Robot - an autonomous robot that isprimarily used for household chores, but mayalso be used for education, entertainment ortherapy.
Karel Capek - introduced the word "robot" to thepublic in the play R.U.R. (Rossum's UniversalRobots).
Robotics - It is the art, knowledge base, and theknow-how of designing, applying, and usingrobots in human endeavors.
Robot - also called as droid is a machine"
Schematic Diagram - is a sketch that usesstandard electrical symbols to depict thecomponents of a circuit.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) - it emits light ofa single color. The longer leg is called theanode (positive). The shorter leg is called thecathode (negative). The anode needs toconnect to the power source (positive)while the cathode should be connected toground (negative).
Conductors – it allows electric charges tomove easily through it.
RGB LED – it emits different colors byadjusting the brightness of its LEDs.It contains three different color-emittingdiodes (red, green, blue) that can be blendedto produce a wide range of colors.
Resistor - used in electrical circuits to limitthe flow of current and voltage, providingresistance to the flow of electricity.
IR Sensor - detecting and measuring infraredradiation in its surrounding environment.
Parallel Circuit - an electrical configurationwhere components are connected in multiplepathways. If one component fails, the otherscan continue functioning.
Electric Circuit - a circuit is an enclosed paththrough which electricity flows.
Capacitor – it is used to store and releaseelectrical energy in a circuit.
BreadBoard - It is a type of board that can beused to build electronic circuits. It is like apatch panel that has rows of holes that letyou connect wires and componentstogether.
Series Circuit - A series circuit is an electricalsetup where components are connected oneafter the other in a single pathway. If onecomponent fails, the entire circuit can bedisrupted.
Photo-resistor – it responds to variations inlight. It varies depending on the amount oflight falling on its face.
The resistor should be connected to the shorter leg of the LED, and the other endshould be connected to the negative rail ofthe breadboard."
Reset Button - Resets the ATmega microcontroller
Power LED - This indicates that Arduino is receiving power
ATmega microcontroller The heart and brain of Arduino Uno
Analog in To receive an analog value
Power Pins Distribute power to inputs and outputs
Digital Pins Send and receive digital signals
USB Port Used for powering Arduino, uploading sketches to Arduino, and for communicating with Arduino sketch
TX and RX LEDs The following LEDs show that Arduino and computer are in communication
Power connector This is how you power your Arduino when it isn't plugged into a USB port for power. Acceptable voltages 7-12V dc