Cards (37)

  • What are the two parts of the bible called?
    Old and New testament
  • The Bible
    A collection of many books, some have called it a 'library of books'
  • Main sections of the Bible
    • The Old Testament (also used by Jews - they call it the Tanakh)
    • The New Testament (about Jesus and only used by Christians, includes the 4 Gospels)
  • Bible reference
    Made up of three parts: Book name, Chapter, Verse
  • Ways of interpreting the Bible
    • Literal interpretation: believe what the Bible says word for word, even if unusual
    • Symbolic interpretation: if it doesn't make sense, it's a symbol that stands for something else
  • Similarities in the birth narratives of Jesus
    • Name Mary and Joseph as Jesus' parents
    • Give Bethlehem as Jesus' place of birth
    • Say Jesus grew up in Nazareth
  • Differences in the birth narratives of Jesus

    • Matthew: 3 wise men, killing of children under 2, family fled to Egypt then returned to Nazareth
    Luke: Joseph and family lived in Nazareth, went to Bethlehem for census, Jesus born in a manger
  • The story of Jesus' birth wasn't written down until 60 years after, so some details may have changed in oral transmission
  • Matthew and Luke tell the story from different viewpoints, so they include only the details they find important
  • Some of the differences in the birth narratives actually seem to make the accounts incompatible (they don't fit together)
  • Baptism of Jesus
    Jesus was baptised by his cousin John the Baptist, who preached a message of repentance and forgiveness
  • Supernatural events at Jesus' baptism
    • The heavens opened - symbol of God revealing himself
    The Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove - symbol of peace, purity, Holy Spirit
    A voice from the cloud - God spoke, approving of Jesus
  • Temptations of Jesus
    After his baptism, Jesus went into the desert and was tempted by the devil, but did not give in
  • The devil's temptations of Jesus

    • Turn stone into bread
    Offer power and glory if Jesus worships the devil
    Jump off a tower to prove he is the son of God
  • Christians remember Jesus' temptations during the season of Lent, which lasts 40 days
  • Things Christians do during Lent
    • Become aware of their sins and repent
    Give up something like sweets or biscuits
    Spend more time on spiritual things like praying
  • Miracles
    Events that are impossible for humans, represent a break in the laws of nature, happen for a positive reason, and are understood to be due to some external force (e.g. God)
  • Types of miracles performed by JesusHealing miracles
    Nature miracles
    Raising the dead
  • Miracles performed by Jesus

    • Jairus' daughter raised from the dead
    Calming of the storm
    Feeding of the 5000
    Healing of the paralysed man
  • The miracles were told to show that Jesus had God's power and could do the impossible
  • The miracles happened for a good purpose, to help people
  • Miracles
    Events that show Jesus had God's power and could do the impossible
  • Purpose of miracles

    • To show Jesus was special
    • To help people - e.g. healing, feeding the hungry
    • To lend authority to Jesus' teachings
  • Miracles
    Make Jesus seem trustworthy
  • Some people find the miracles hard to believe and question whether they really happened
  • Arguments for miracles really happening
    • The Bible gives a lot of detail
    • There were many witnesses
    • If something important hadn't happened, the stories wouldn't have been passed on
    • Some Christians today report witnessing miraculous healing
  • Arguments against miracles really happening

    • The Bible was written long ago, so details may have been added over time to make the stories more spectacular
    • The followers of Jesus may have invented the miracle stories to gain fame and power
    • The miracles could be understood symbolically rather than literally
  • Parable
    A story with a hidden message or meaning, used by Jesus to teach about God and the Christian life
  • Parable of the Good Samaritan
    • A Jewish man is beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. A priest and a Levite pass by without helping, but a Samaritan stops to care for the man and pay for his recovery.
  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan is a very well-known parable that Christians should think about how to apply in their daily lives
  • Palm Sunday
    • Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, not a warrior's horse, showing he is a humble man of peace, not the warrior king people expected
    • The people cheer Jesus as the Messiah, waving palm branches as signs of victory over the Romans
  • Events of Holy Week
    1. Monday to Wednesday: Jesus teaches and preaches in Jerusalem, including driving out money changers from the Temple
    2. Maundy Thursday: Jesus has the Last Supper with his disciples, foretelling his death
    3. Good Friday: Jesus is put on trial, mocked, beaten, and crucified
    4. Saturday: Jesus' disciples hide in fear
    5. Sunday: Jesus' resurrection, with appearances to his disciples
  • Christians commemorate the Last Supper through Holy Communion or the Eucharist
  • The crown of thorns placed on Jesus' head represents both his suffering and the fact that he was mocked by his persecutors
  • According to the Bible, the crowds call for Jesus' death, and he is mocked, beaten, whipped, and finally crucified
  • Jesus' body was put in a tomb before nightfall on the day of his crucifixion
  • On the day of the resurrection, Jesus' tomb was found empty, and he appeared to his disciples