
Cards (30)

  • Produces salvia where mechanical mastication of food take place to form bolus
  • A muscular tube that conducts peristalsis and server as passageway for food
  • A muscular sac that contains gastric juice that help to break down the food chemically
  • produces bile that helps in the digestion
  • helps in the storage of bile and discharging it from the cystic duct
    gall bladder
  • release pancreatic juice and enzymes which help in the digestion of protein and starch
  • A tube that contains villi which absorbs the nutrients and water coming from the food 

    Small Intestine
  • A tube that absorbs water and salt from the material that has not been digested
    Large Intestine
  • An opening that eliminate feces inside the body
  • Animal live on the source of their food and eat through it
    substrate feeder
  • Aquatic animals strain the food particles from the water
    Filter Feeders
  • Animal suck fluid, containing nutrients from another animals
    Fluid Feeders
  • Animals break down and swallow large amount of food
    Bulk Feeders
  • Taking in of food material
  • Breaking down of food into smaller pieces 

  • movement of nutrients, water and electrolytes from the small intestine into the cell, then into blood
  • undigested material passes out of the system
  • The Process by which light energy is converted to chemical energy in order for the plant to make their own food
  • It absorbs and transport water nutrients from the soil to the rest of the plant
  • the part of the plant where photosynthesis take place
  • Insect eating plants capture and digest their preys through pitfalls and traps
    Venus Fly trap
  • give sweet odor to make their prey fall into the pitcher
    Pitcher Plant
  • Confuses their prey when they enter its translucent window in the leaf
    Cobra Lily
  • Traps its prey using its sticky substance found in their leaves
  • It connects larynx and bronchi. It contains epiglottis that covers the larynx
  • It connects and brings air inside the lungs
  • It contains alveoli where exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen take place
  • See things in a very positive and optimistic way in the midst of difficult situation
    Entrepreneurial Mind Frame
  • They are attracted to discover satisfaction in the act and process of discovery
    Entrepreneurial Heart Flame
  • The ability of the entrepreneur of being intuitive
    Entrepreneurial Gut Game