Regulation of blood pH: alteration of blood pH by changing blood CO2 levels..
The lungs produce ACE enzyme.
air moving past the vocalfolds make sound and speech possible.
sensation of smell occurs when airborne molecules are drawn into nasal cavity.
rotection: against some microorganisms by preventing them from entering the body and removing them from respiratorysurfaces.
respiration: the movement of gases across all cell membranes
primary function of nasal cavity: the airintake portion of the respiratory system; where majority of the warming, cleaning, and humidifying occur
nasal cavity has conchae and paranasalsinuses
conchae: 3 bonyridges that act as windturbines, helping air churn in the nasalcavity
within the superior and inferior meatuses are openings from paranasal sinuses
sinusitis: inflammation of the mucous membrane of a sinus
the pharynx receives air from the nasal cavity and air, food, and drink from oral cavity
nasopharynx: pharyngeal tonsils within it help defend the body against infection
oropharynx: begins at the soft palate
laryngopharynx: Food & drink pass through the laryng. to the esophagus, while air pass through the larynx. However, a small amount of air may be swallowed with food & drink.
the rigid walls of larynx maintain an open passageway between pharynx and trachea
larynx's rigidity is due to an outer casing of cartilages connected to one another by muscles and ligaments
thyroid cartilage: largest cartilage that makes up the larynx
laryngeal prominence (within the thyroid cartilage): Adam's apple
cricoid cartilage: ring-shaped
Arytenoid cartilage, Corniculate cartilage, Cuneiform cartilage: paired cartilages that help move the vocalcords to produce speech
larynx components:
Arytenoid, Corniculate, Cuneiformcartilage
Ligaments of larynx: vestibular folds and vocal folds
vestibular folds: false vocal cords
the larynx protects the lower respiratory tract from foreign materials
laryngitis: person loses his/her voice
the left lung has a cardiacnotch
trachea AKA windpipe
the trachea is reinforced with 15 - 20 C-shaped cartilages called trachealrings
a mucous membrane lines the trachea which contains gobletcells
constant long-term irritation to trachea can prevent normal function of the trachealepithelium
main bronchi: primary bronchi
(in bronchi) Carina: important landmark for reading x-rays
if foreign matter is inspired to the level of carina, it stimulates a powerfulcoughreflex
lobar bronchi: secondary bronchi
the left lung has two lobar, while the right has three
segmental bronchi: tertiary bronchi
bronchioles: from continued branching of segmental bronchi