Science Technology and Engineering

Cards (59)

  • Revolution - drastic change on what is established, believed and embrace by society.
  • Heretics - outcast of society, they are often ostracized, imprisoned a prevented from publishing their works.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus - astronomer of Renaissance. He led the so called Scientific Revolution.
  • Geocentric Model (geocentrism) - the earth is the center of the universe.
  • Ptolemy - he proposed the Geocentric Model.
  • Anaximander - draw the first map of the world. He believed that the Earth as cylinder floating in the center of the universe and Sun and Moom are hollow ring of fire.
  • Pythagoras - he is the student of anaximander. He first suggest that Earth is sphere because of of the constellation of ewrth circular shadow on the moon.
  • Plato - student of socrates, follower of pythagoras. He believe that cosmos is made of matter in geometric shapes.
  • Aristotle - studied under Plato. He believed the Geocentric and all other celestial bodies arranged in concentric crystalline sphere.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus - Father of Modern Chemistry.
  • Copernicus - he studied in University of Krakow. He is the apprentice of Domenico Maria de Novara.
  • Johann Muller - author of the book Epitome of Ptolemy's Al magest (Foundation of Astronomy) and Disputation againts Divinatory Astrology (Planetary Models).
  • Retrogade Motion -occasional backward movement of thr planet.
  • 1507 to 1515 - heliocentric model of the universe. Earth move through space, motion of planets traveled in perfect circle.
  • Copernicus - at the age of 70 years old, he published the book "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres".
  • Tycho Brahe - geoheliocentrism or Tychunn System.
  • Johannes Kepler - law of planetary motion. Planets move in elliptical orbits with sun at one focus.
  • Galileo Galilei - used the telescope to observe venus, Jupiter and its satellites/ moons. He is the first person to observe the crater of the moons sphere which leds the discovery of sunspot.
  • Isaac Newton - first ond to provide mathematical equation that could prove what the 3 (Brahe, Kepler and Galilei) is trying to explain. He published the book Philosophice Naturalis Principia Mathematica that is all about the law of motion and Kepler's law od universal gravitation.
  • Giordano Bruno - martyr italian monk who spreas Copernicus Theory about Heliocentric ans Scientific Universe.
  • Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek - Father of Microbiology who discovers bacteria.
  • Robert Boyle - Father of Modern Chemistry (Scientific Method).
  • Rene Descartes - French Mathematician and Philosopher.
  • Evolution - biology, change of characteristics of a species over time.
  • Creationism - "specific acr of divine creation".
  • Carolus Linnaeus - leading botanist of 18th century. He is famous about the binomial classification system.
  • England and France - concept of evolution came to light on late 18th century.
  • Erasmus Darwin - grandfather of Charles Darwin. A physician and a discrete evolutionist. He is a transmutanist which means that evolution occured in living things including humans.
  • Erasmus Darwin - He published the book "Zoonomia or the law of organic life. His theory is thst Earth is much plder than tge timeline based on biblical origin. It served as Charles Darwin springboard for his theory of evolution.
  • Charles Darwin - at the age of 16, he studied in Edinburg University to study medecine and worked with transmutationist Robert Edmund Grant which is a radical evolutionist and a follower of French Biologist Jean Baptist Lamarck.
  • Adam Sedgwick - together with Darwin he travelled to Wales for Geological Research and mapped the strata in the area im the summer of 1981.
  • Henslow and Darwin - went on a voyage to Tierra del Fuego, South America. Aboard HMS Beagle with Captain RObert Fitzroy to survey the world. Darwin collected various specimens such as birds, plants and fossils. He was able to study principles of botany, geology, and zoology through close observation, research and experimentation of such specimens.
  • Journal of Researcher - later published of Robert where Darwin wrote his Fitzroy narrative of voyage findings on the entitles, "Zoology of the Voyage of the HMS Beagle."
  • The Voyager of the Beagle - Darwin's account of the voyage, caught attention of scholars and institutions.
  • True - Cambridge Network gave him 1000 treasury grant. He used to employ experts and publish their description of the many specimens he collected in his travels.
  • True - Darwin species evoke from common ancestors. Specimen survive through "natural selection", which is the process where species adapt to the changing environment.
  • Darwin - On the origin of species by means of "natural selection" he was the first to publish a book with compelling evidence earning him for the title "Father of Evolution"
  • Richard Owen - anatomist, determined Uruguay river skull from a toxodon hippopotamus sized ancestor.
  • John Gould - birds specimen are all ground finches that adapted differently.
  • Cambridge Clerics - declared Darwins theory as bestial heresy that could comept mankind.