english lang vocab

Cards (14)

  • abberation
    something that differs from the norm
  • abhor
    to hate or detest something
  • alacrity
    eagerness or speed
  • amiable
  • appease
    to calm or satisfy
  • arcane
    secret, only known by a few
  • avarice
    excessive greed
    eg. scrooge in a christmas carol
  • brusque
    short, abrupt and dismissive
    eg. Mr Birling in an Inspector calls
  • callous
    harsh, cold or unfeeling
    eg. scrooge in a christmas carol and Mr and Mrs Birling in an inspector calls
  • chide
    to voice disapproval
    eg. the inspector being the voice of Priestleys voice about society and what needs to change
  • cynical
    believing the worst in someome
    eg. mrs birling not believing eva
  • despot
    one who has total power and rules brutally
    eg. mr Birling and Scrooge
  • insular
    narrow minded
  • repudiate
    refuse to accept