Cards (13)

  • What are the causative agents for UTIs?
    E. coli, P. mirabilis, S. Saprophyticus
  • What are the other causative agents for UTIs?
    Fungi, protists, Viruses
  • VIrus (Adenovirus)
  • Fungi (Yeast)
  • Entry may come from ascending the urethra (E. coli)
  • Infection can come from a urethracatheter
  • UTI infections can come from blood
  • Blood infections from UTIs are usually gram positive bacteremia infections
  • From the lymph, pressure on the bladder will cause lymph to spill into the blood vessels
  • Adhesins attach to urogenital epithelial cells
  • Virulence factors: toxins, phagocytosis resistance, urease,
  • Immune response: infla,,ation
  • UTIs can cause a slow flow of urine