Psychodynamic Approach

Cards (9)

  • key assumptions of psychodynamic approach
    - focused on studying how unconscious processes shape behaviour, thought to form during early childhood experience
  • define the unconscious
    - 1 of 3 aspects of the mind; conscious and pre conscious
    - not open to awareness, contains socially unacceptable thoughts, painful emitting, drives/instincts and memories that are suppressed
  • outline the ID
    - pleasure principle
    - present from birth, focused on satisfying its own needs/desires
  • outline the Ego
    - reality principle
    - develops form 3 yrs, focused on balancing the ID and Superego with rational thought
  • outline the Superego
    - morality principle
    - develops from 3-5 yrs, focused on obeying learnt rules of society and uses guilt
  • what are defence mechanisms?
    - unconscious processes that reduce anxiety felt by the Ego by distorting reality
    - include: repression, denial, displacement
  • outline displacement
    - moving emotions from the source to an alternative
  • outline the psychosexual stages
    - oral, 0-18 months: pleasure centre = mouth,fixation if: child weaned from mother's milk early (frustration), weaned too late (overindulgence)
    - anal, 18-36 months: pleasure centre = anus, fixation if: parents very strict about potty training (frustration), child is overly keen to use the potty (overindulgence)
    - phallic, 3-6 yrs: pleasure centre: genitals, conflict through Oedipus/Electra complex, fixation
    - latent,6-12 yrs: libido = dormant, conflicts of previous stages are repressed and there are no fixations or effects on adult personality
    - genital, 12+ yrs: libido focused on genitals = where it stays for life, everyone reaches this stage
  • A03, psychodynamic approach
    - concepts, eg: unconscious mind, are inaccesible, cant be tested in scientific experimentation and therefore unfalsifiable
    - ideas strongly influenced the development of Bowlby's attachment theories
    - psychic determinism: mental processes/behaviour that seems freely chosen under conscious control are actually caused by unconscious systems set in childhood