Live the spirituality shared with him by St. John Bosco and his Salesians
Live the everyday duties of life in an extraordinary way
A youth spirituality that can be lived by people of all ages
Salesian Spirituality
Responds to the Gospel imperative given by Jesus to his disciples and to all who follow Him
Jesus: '"Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it."'
Dominic Savio was born on April 2, 1842 in the village of Riva, two miles from the town of Chieri, in the province of Piedmont, northern Italy
Dominic Savio
He was the second of eleven children born to Charles and Brigid Savio, who were poor, hard-working, pious people
Charles was a blacksmith
He was a remarkable boy
What we know of Dominic Savio comes from a biography written by St. John Bosco and the testimony of family and friends
Dominic attended the Oratory of St. Francis De Sales, a school, youth center and hospice founded by Don Bosco
Dominic Savio at school
He was very bright and enjoyed school as well as play
He was well liked and respected by his friends
He had remarkable control over his emotions
He was friendly and showed early his leadership qualities and a strong sense of duty
He was a prayerful person and had an ever-maturing spirituality
The Savios attended church in the town of Murialdo and the pastor, Father John Lucca, knew them well
Once Dominic learned to serve Mass he was there every day
While children of the time customarily received their first Communion in their early teens, Fr. Lucca recognized Dominic's remarkable piety and let him make his First Communion at the age of seven
Dominic's four resolutions as he prepared for his first Communion at age 7
Go to Confession and Communion as often as my confessor will allow
Sanctify Sundays and holy days in a special way
Jesus and Mary will be my friends
Death rather than sin
Death, but not sin
Dominic lived by these resolutions
Dominic's daily school commute
1. Walked 12 miles total per day
2. School was 3miles away from home
3. Had to go and come twice a day
An elderly man met Dominic on a very hot day
Asked if Dominic was afraid to walk so far alone
Dominic: '"I'm not alone, I have my guardianangel with me."'
Dominic: '"I work for a Master who pays well."'
Dominic: '"God is my master."'
Dominic's health was weak due to the long daily walk
Dominic's parents moved closer to school the next year
Full of energy and ready to join in any game with his friends
Kindness and thoughtfulness
Incident with Dominic's classmate
1. Classmate committed serious offense
2. Falsely accused Dominic
3. Teacher scolded Dominic
4. Dominic stood in silence
5. Actual culprit discovered later
Dominic: '"I knew that the other boy was in trouble for other things. I remembered how Our Lord had been unjustly accused, and I hoped that if I kept silence he would be given another chance."'
This incident took place when Dominic was only 11 years old
It shows the depth and simplicity of Dominic's young soul
Don Bosco's annual outing
1. Took young people from Oratory in Turin to Becchi
2. 18 mile walk
3. Arranged food and lodging with parish priests
4. Young people put on entertainment for towns they visited
Dominic and his father went looking for Don Bosco in Murialdo
Dominic: '"Good morning, Father."'
Don Bosco
A priest who runs a school called the Oratory of St. Francis De Sales
Dominic Savio
A 12-and-a-half-year-old boy who wants to study at Don Bosco's Oratory
Dominic Savio arrived at Don Bosco's Oratory in early October 1854
Motto "Da mihi animas caetera tolle"
Latin for "Give me souls: take away the rest"
Don Bosco is very concerned with helping people and himself save their souls by following Jesus
Dominic Savio's motto is "Death rather than sin"
Pope Pius IX proclaimed the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
December 8, 1854
Preparing the young people of the Oratory for the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
1. Salesians and the young people gathered in the Chapel
2. Offered themselves to Mary, the Immaculate Mother of Jesus
3. Dominic remembered his first Communion resolutions and renewed them
From that day onward, Don Bosco began to write down everything he noticed about Dominic
Don Bosco preached to the boys of the Oratory
Second Sunday of Lent, 1855
Don Bosco: 'Everyone is called to be a saint, and do you know, it is easy to be a saint. Just do this: diligently do the ordinary things of the day in an extraordinary way.'