Applied ethics

Cards (32)

  • Virtue Ethics as a moral system, places emphasis on developing good habits of character, like kindness and generosity, and avoiding bad character traits, or vices, such as greed or hatred. broad term for theories that emphasize the role of character and virtue in moral philosophy
  • "Gorgias" written by Plato
  • Socrates asks Euthypro whether something is good because the gods love it
  • Plato's Philosophy is his Theory of Forms
    • Theory of Forms The objectively existing immaterial entities that are the proper object of knowledge.
  • Aristotle believes that the essence or essential nature of beings, including humans, lay not at their cause (or beginning) but at their end (‘telos’)
  • Happiness And Virtues This entails achieving one’s natural purpose by functioning or living consistently with human nature.
  • This human good is ‘eudaimonia’ or happiness.
  • summum bonum – the greatest good of all human life.
  • Virtue as Habit -    This flourishing is attained by the habitual practice of moral and intellectual excellences or 'virtues’.
  • -Moral virtue is an expression of character, formed by habits reflecting repeated choices.
  • Phronesis And Practice is a grasp of appropriate way to respond, to feel and act in a particular situation.
  • Eternal Law - Rational plan of God by which all creation is ordered
  • Human Law - The aspect of the Eternal law which is accessible to human reason
  • Natural Law - Refers to positive laws, more exact and forceful provisions.
    • Divine Law Serves to complement the other types of law.
    • Natural inclinations (1) To survive (2) To reproduce and educate offspring (3) To love
    1. Species - What kind of an action it is. There ar 3 types. Good, Bad and Indifferent Neutral.
  • Accidents        - Simply refers to the circumstances surrounding the action.
  • End - Stands for the agents intention.
  • A habit is a "hard to eradicate" quality
    • Acquired The autonomous will of the person plays a huge role in acquired habits.
    • Infused Directly instilled by God in our faculties
    • Moral Activities that are less virtuous and inferior to the final end.
    • Theological Are concerned directly with God
  • Applied Ethics philosophically examines specific, controversial moral issues
  • Bioethics This concerns ethical issues pertaining to life, biomedical, researches, medicines,
  • Environmental Ethics It deals with moral issues concerning nature, ecosystem and its nonhuman contents.
  • Business Ethics It examines moral principles concerning business environment
  • Sexual Ethics It studies moral issues about sexuality and human sexual behavior
  • Social Ethics It deals with what is right for a society to do and how it should act as a whole
  • Aquinas ethical theory states that for an action to be moral