Germany = new state after 1871 unification, felt threatened by established powers Br/Fr
Kaiser’s 1890Weltpolitik imperialist foreign policy = Germany a global power.
Imperialistic competition = created tension between old/ new guard who threatened shifting balance of power.
Br’s economic dominance, threatened by German dominance in export market with steel production 330% more than Br’s 1890-1913.
“Us versus them” mentality, Br/Fr defensive, Ge wary of perceived aggression.
Sustained environment of competition for economic/territorial dominance made powers more inclined towards militarism/alliances, seen Bismark’s alliance system 1870s to create a bloc with AH, Ru, and It. (imperialistic conflict = source of conflict.)
Seeds of imperialism were sown by major powers Br/Fr/imperialistic competition accelerated rise of militarism/ breakdown of diplomacy into war.
Imperialist conflicts made dissatisfied Ge/Ru inclined to warfare to assert dominance.
Ge = wary of encirclement by perceived aggression by Fr/Ru.
Impact of imperialism = Britain’s declaration of war 4 August 1914 = 25% world into war due empire.
Scale of war expanded by culture of imperialism, driving force for tensions = fought opportunities to expand global influence.
Undercurrent of aggressive militarism in Europe/Balkans further built up to WWI.
Militarism manifested in increasing armaments, navy’s increasing 200% 1900-1914.
Conscription increased with Fr introducing 3 year national service law 1913.
Ru built up a 1.3 million strong army. (climate of war-mongering where countries had increased confidence to mobilise war/escalated AH/Serb conflict.)
Increased investment in military strength = Ge 1.9 million army = expansionist motives of Weltpolitik foreign policy, but defend insecurities.
Ge/Br = militaristic rivalry, fuelling tensions between established vs new powers.
Anglo-German Naval Race = tensions with Kaiser, large shipbuilding initiatives 1898-1900
Br launching Dreadnought 1906
Ge’s heavy investment in building naval power reflects challenges of status quo
Immediate consequences intensified AH/Serb = catalysed war.
Balkan nationalism saw Serb calling for Slavic unity, countering imperialist interests of AH.
Serb militarism = army double, victory Balkan War 1912, intensifying fear of surpassing.
AH’s perceived threat triggered aggression = mobilise 29 June 1914.
Militarism built up a climate conductive to hostilities between major powers.
Manifestation of imperialism/short-term crises created alliances precipitating explosion
Europe’s alliance system = founded on premise of mutual protection
Increasingly a web of alliances degenerated into instruments of aggression (nationalistic imperialism motivating short term alliance)
1904 Anglo-French Entente Cordiale, 1907 Anglo-Russian Convention shows pragmatic alliances = goal of protecting status quo.
Defensive pacts of mutual protection shared interests = divide between old and new powers.
Impacted 1905 Moroccan crisis - Br backed Fr in resisting German influence in Morocco + 1911 Agadir Crisis - Br foiled German intentions.
Trend of proxy conflicts - early 1900s built up atmosphere of war reinforcing alliance.
Following Moroccan crisis Br/Fr = more united, fuelling German insecurity.
Entrenched alliances created a threatening bloc of Triple Entente, creating dead-ends in diplomacy as seen in aftermaths of the Moroccan and Agadir Crises.
Ge frustration at weltpolitik failure = turned to war as means of resolving differences
Reactionary Germany moved to create alliances with AH - support 1908 Bosnian Crisis -> sparked crises due to AH’s inflated military confidence 1st/2nd Balkan Wars (1912-1913).
Ru’s failures in imperialist conflicts 1904 Russo-Japanese War, 1908 Bosnian Crisis, 1912 Balkan Crisis incited rising nationalism = alleviate humiliation.
Role of Serbian nationalism = perpetrating assassination of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Ferdinand by Serb nationalist 28 June 1914.
Growth of Serb nationalism inflated by Ru support lit fuse on rising tensions.
July Crisis escalated = Kaiser issuing Austria unconditional Ge support boosting Austria’s confidence to go to war.
Impact of alliances prompted Austria to force ultimatum on Serb, declaring war on 28 July 1914 by leveraging Ge’s backing.
Alliance system further prompted Ru to mobilise on 30July to support Serb.
1914 July Crisis accelerated tensions to tipping point = outbreak
Ge’s long-term insecurity of encirclement due to Anglo-Russian alliance (1891-94) manifested itself in Schlieffen Plan of invading Belgium and Fr, dragging in Br
1839 Treaty of London = Bel prompted Br to declare war on 4 August.
Br’s involvement proves pervasiveness of alliance system in outbreak.
J.G Stoessinger → blames outbreak = role of personalities in July Crisis (overly defensive/ aggressive leaders)
S.B Fay → myriad of long-term imperialism, militarism, and alliances were to blame.