To work out a microscope magnification you multiply the magnifications of its 2 lenses together. Eg. X5 eyelpeive lens and a x10 objective lens is 5x10= x50
Milli- ÷1000
micro- ÷1000000
Nano- ÷1000000000
Pico- ÷1000000000000
A cell with a nucleus is eukaryotic
Inside a nucluse is chromosomes which contains DNA
The cell membrane is like a very thin bag. Controls what enters and leaves, and separates one cell from another.
Protein breaks down into amino acids
Starch breakes down into glucose
Lipid breaks down into fatty acids and glycerol
Lock and key model show how the enzyme and substrate fit together. The substrate fits into the active site of the enzyme.
Changes in pH or temptress can affect the enzyme. If the active site changes too much the enzyme can no longer catalyse the reaction. We say the enzyme is denatured
Amylase - starch to sugar (saliva)
Lactase - lactose to glucose + galactose (small intestine)
Change is mass=start mass-final mass ÷ start mass x 100
Contains two lenses, invented at the end of the 16th century
How much bigger an object appears compared to its actual size