Condition that results when the heart stopsbeating or beats too irregularly or weakly to circulate.
A combination of chestcompressions and rescue breaths.
A fatty substance that contributes to the risk of heart disease.
Coronary arteries
bloodvessels that supply the heart with oxygen rich blood .
Heart Attack
A suddenillness involving the death of heart muscle tissue caused when it does not receive oxygen-rich blood.
Angina pectoris
Temporary chest pain caused by a lack of oxygen to the heart.
Identify signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest.
The person will be unresponsive and not breathing, or only gasping.
List the situation in which a trained lay-responder may stop CPR.
1. You notice sign of life. 2. AED is available and ready to use. 3. EMS arrives. 4. You are too exhausted to continue. 5. The scene becomes unsafe.
Describe the conditions that most often cause cardiac arrest in children and infants.
Breathing problems (such as airway obstruction, smoke inhalation, asthma attack and severe epiglottitis) and trauma (such as a mother-vehicle crash or a hard blow to the chest, drowning, electrocution, poisoning, firearm injuries and falls).
Which is the most common sign or symptom of a heart attack?
An uncomfortable pressure, Persistent pain that may spread to the shoulder, arm, neck or jaw.
What may happen as a result of a heart attack?
Some heart muscle tissue dies from lack of
Which should you do first to care effectively for a person having a heart attack?
Check for responsiveness Call 9-1-1
How can you know whether a person's heart is beating?
The person is breathing.
The person shows another sign of life.
The person is responsive.
When is CPR needed for an adult?
When the person is unresponsive and not
breathing normally.
Which is the purpose of CPR?
To supply the vital organs with blood containing
CPR artificially takes over the functions of which two body systems?
Respiratory and circulatory systems.
If during an analysis an AED prompts "no shock advised", you should-
Immediately resumeCPR until the AED re-
analyzes or you notice signs of life.
While the AED analyzes the heart rhythm, you should-
Ensure that noone, including you is touching the
When giving a rescue breath how long should you blow into the person's mouth?
1 second
An adult or child chest compression should be -
2 inches
How many chest compressions should you give?
How many rescue breaths do you give?
How do you check for infant responsiveness?
Tap the foot.
Compress the infant's chest about-
1 and 1/2 inches
Risk Factors
conditions or behaviors that increase the chance that a person will develop a disease
A life-threatening heart rhythm in which there is very rapid contraction of the ventricles.
A life-threatening heart rhythm in which the heart is in a state of totally disorganized electrical activity.
A condition in which the heart has stopped generating electrical activity
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
A disease in which cholesterol and plaque buildup on the inner walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart; also called coronary artery disease (CAD).
hardening of the arteries
A condition in which the circulatorysystem fails to provide sufficient circulation to enable every body part to perform its function; also called hypoperfusion.
an electricshock that disrupts electrical activity in the heart long enough to allow heart to return to an effective rhythm
what does CPR stand for?
CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
what does AED stand for?
Automated External Defibrillator
why should a victim of chock not eat or drink anything?
risk of choking
why should a citizen responder elevate the legs of a victim of shock?
blood flow to the heart
what condition occurs when the circulatory system fails to circulate blood to all parts of the body?
care for a conscious choking victim requires what 2 actions after the initial check?
abdominal thrusts and back blows
how many backblows and abdominal thrusts?
what are the steps in caring for shock?
call 911 and reassure victim, lie victim on bacl, maintain bodytemp, monitor ABCs, control any bleeding, check airway, no food or drink