IB Psych Paper 1

Cards (27)

  • Asch (1956)

    Aim: To test conformity to the majority incorrect opinion in an unambiguous situation
    • Line test, confederates, interview
  • Chen, et al (2005)

    Aim: to investigate the role of long-term orientation on an individuals buying habits
    • Shopping scenario, cutlery, primed cultures, Western orientation
  • Bandura (1961)

    Aim: to investigate if social behaviors can be changed by observed aggression
    • Videos, opposite or same sex, bobo doll
  • Steele and Aronson (1995)

    Aim: to investigate how stereotype threat affects test performance in African American students
    • SAT-like test, intellectual ability, anxiety
  • Kearins (1981)

    Aim: to investigate whether Aboriginal people might perform better on tests that take advantage of their ability to encode with visual cues
    • 44 Aboriginal children and 44 Australian children, 20 piece board with 20 objects, 30 seconds, culture
  • Martin, et al (1995)

    Aim: to investigate how children make gender-based judgments when choosing toys
    • 4 year-olds, gender neutral toys, enculturation
  • Miranda and Matheny (2000)

    Aim: to investigate which factors in the lives of Latin American immigrants in the United States would decrease the level of acculturative stress
    • 197 Spanish-speaking Immigrants, family cohesion, proficiency in English
  • Milner (1955)

    Aim: to investigate the extent of Patient HM's memory deficiency
    • MRI, cognitive testing, psychometric testing, observation, interviews, procedural knowledge
  • Landry and Bartling (2011)

    Aim: to investigate if articulatory suppression would influence recall of phonologically dissimilar letters in serial recall
    • 1 and 2, 7 random letters, 76% control
  • Bartlett (1932)

    Aim: to investigate how information changes with each reproduction and to investigate why the information changes
    • British, Native American story, distortion
  • Neisser and Harsch (1992)

    Aim: to investigate the extent to which a memory of a shocking event would be accurate after a period of time
    • Challenger explosion, 24 hrs and 2 years, 21.5% and 45% TV
  • Sharot (2007)

    Aim: to investigate the role of biological factors on FBM
    • 9/11, summer, fMRI
  • Tversky and Kahneman (1974)

    Aim: to investigate people's mental shortcuts and biases when making decisions utilizing System 1 thinking
    • 2 Hospitals scenario, 60 percent boys, 78% wrong
  • Draganski (2004)

    Aim: to investigate whether the human brain can change structure in response to environmental demands
    • MRI, jugglers, 2 groups
  • Maguire (2000)

    Aim: to investigate navigational experience in the context of the role of the cerebral hemispheres and if structural plasticity changes in response to navigational experience
    • London taxidrivers, white and grey matter
  • Rogers and Kesner (2003)

    Aim: to investigate the role of Acetlycholine on memory encoding and retrieval
    • Rats, cholinesterone, maze
  • Antonova, et al (2011)

    Aim: to investigate how blocking Acetylcholine receptors with Scopolamine affects spatial memory
    • Arena task, hippocampus, and spatial
  • McGaugh and Cahill (1995)

    Aim: to investigate the role of Adrenaline and the Amygdala on emotional memory formation
    • Beta blocker, severed feet, boring story
  • Newcomer, et al (1999)

    Aim: to investigate whether high levels of cortisol interferes with verbal declarative memory
    • 160mg, 40 mg, prose
  • Weaver, et al (2004)

    Aim: to investigate whether the environment affects behavior, specifically stress levels
    • corticosterone, tubes, grooming and mothers
  • Meaney (1988)

    Aim: to investigate the effect of glucocorticoids on memory
    • milky water pool, grooming, hippocampal cell loss, dementia
  • Fisher, et al (2004)

    Aim: to investigate the neurophysiological correlation of early-stage romantic love
    • duration, intensity, range of feelings, questionnaired, fMRI, pictures
  • Ditzen, et al (2009)

    Aim: to investigate the effects of oxytocin on couple interaction and cortisol levels
    • puffs of oxytocin, saliva, discuss disagreements
  • Ronay and von Hippel (2010)

    Aim: to investigate if physical risk-taking by young men increases in the presence of an attractive female
    • Skateboarding, 96 (43, 53), saliva samples, VMPFC
  • Neave, et al (2010)

    Aim: to investigate the relationship between dance moves and female attraction towards males
    • knee-bending, hip-thrusting, 34 women, variance
  • Wedeking (1995)

    Aim: to investigate whether human body odors and female preferences for them are dependent on the MHC gene
    • cotton shirts, 49F and 44M, blood test, 3rd day
  • Zhou (2014)

    Aim: to investigate the qualifications of 2 sex hormones: Estratetraenol and Androstadienone
    • 96 (48M, 48F), cloves with EST and AND, stick figures, inhale, AND male attraction, EST female attraction, communication of gender