anthropology final

Cards (43)

  • The 3 types of kinship systems are lineal, bifurcate merging and generational kinship.
    1. mo- mother Un-Uncle Au-aunt br- brother Z- sister Co- cousin Fr-father GrMo- grandmother GrFr- grandfather
  • The different types of descent are unilineal and cognatic descent.
  • Unilienal decent traces an individual's kinship through a single gendered line, either male or female, as a collective social rule for all families within a society. Each newborn becomes part of a specific decent group traced through the female line (matrilineal decent) or the male line (patrilineal decent)
  • Cognatic descent is a kinship structure that follows decendent through both men and women, although it varies by family. Ambilineal descent is the ability to choose to affilate with either the mothers or fathers decedent group. Bilateral decedent dervives equally from mothers and fathers families.
  • Post marital residence rules: social rules determine where a newly married couple will reside that are directly releated to the descent rules that operate in society. There are 4 common post-marital residence patterns: 1. neolocal residence 2. patrilocal residence 3. matrilocal residence 4. ambilocal residence
  • The forms of marriage: polygamy- socially sanctioned union of more than 2 adults at the same time. Polygyny- the marriage of one man to more than one women. Polyandry- there is one wife and more than one husband. This is usually more rare and this happens because they want to minimize population growth. It may also occur when there is a surplus of males and sacrasity of females.
  • Nuclear vs extended family. Nuclear family is also known as a single-couple family. It is composed of one or two parents and their immediate offspring. It is found in societies where geographic mobility is valued. Extended family includes two or more family units functioning as a single integrated family. It may involve 3 or more generations, also multiple spouses and their offspring. Most common worldwide.
  • Gender stratification is unequal distribution of social resources (status or wealth) between men and women
  • Theories of Gender: essentialism. Collapses gender and sex. Sees gendered behavior as not learned, but engrained in ones biological being. Gender and gendered behavior is unchangeable both for the individual and all people.
  • Sex and temperament in 3 primitive societies is based on relativley brief stints of field work among 3 societies in Papua New Guinea. It was argued that each society socialized a different "temperament", or personality. Arapesh= both men and women were passive and pacifist. Mundugumor= both men and women were agressive and warlike. Tchambuli (chambri)= men were concerned with beauty and decoration, women were concerned with industry and work.
  • sex- is biological traits associated with the reproductive arena, determined by physical and/or biomedical markers, marked by chromosomes, genitalia, hormones.
  • Gender- social meanings often attached to sexed bodies, determined by a cultures standards, marked by a behavior,, expression, identity (all socially informed) and is not all the same in some cultures.
  • Intersex is a term for people who do not fit into either male or female categories. They can often have a mixture of both biological traits.
  • Transgender is a transition from one gender category to another. It is based on a deep inner truth of identity.
  • Non-binary is a rejection of either gender category and is based on an inner truth and divorced from sexual orientation.
  • Shamans are part- time religous figures. Who mediate between people and supernatural. They are common among foragers.
  • Rituals is a ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
  • Rites of passage is a ceremony designed to transition individuals between life stages. There is separation, liminality and reincorporation.
  • The elements of religion are: belief in the supernatural, moral codes, ritual and cosmology.
  • Shamanism are shamans,cuers, mediums etc and they are part time religous figures. Communal also have shamans and harvest ceremonies, rites of passage.
  • Polytheistic is a professional priesthood and have powerful gods varying on levels of power. Monotheistic is also a professional priesthood where all supernatural is controlled by a single supreme being.
  • Animatism- belief in an impersonal supernatural force. Animism- belief in supernatural beings, spirits or aspects of humans (the soul). Gods- powerful non-human spirits.
  • Religon is different from superstition because superstition is believing the supernatural is causing certain consequences much like a belief in religion. The belief and worship of a supernatural.
  • Gobeki tepe is known as the first temple because it was built on a hill. There is no evidence that people resided there but believes it was a place of worship.
  • Interpersonal: power imbalances rooted in personal biases. These reifying and naturalize inequalities that exist at a larger level
  • Institutional inequalities: stem form policies and practices of organizations that perpetuate oppression.
  • Structural inequalities: based on accumulated effects of institutional decisions across society and history.
  • systematic inequalities: confluence of interpersonal, institutional and structural inequalities. They are often portrayed with "ism" words like classism, sexism and racism.
  • Intersectionality is important to conceptualize race, class, gender and other dimensions of identity together. It empahizes the simultaneity of how race,gender and class interesest in peoples lives and can capture more aspects of individuals experiences.
  • Race is purely cultural because it is shaped by historical, cultural and political concepts. Where you grew up and how you grew up. Your grandparents could be from asia but you grew up in the united states so you might not consider yourself asian.
  • Early European scholars tried to classify Homo sapiens into subspecies of races based on geographic location and phenotypic features. Linnaeus was based on race and color and Blumenbach created the word caucasians.
  • cultural heritage is culture, values, and traditions passed on through generations. It encompasses all types of cultural expression: material objects, oral histories, performing arts, rituals and knowledge.
  • The NAGPRA is the native american graves protection and repatriation act that was passed in 1990 that allows indigenous groups to take back human remains and associated funerary/ ritual objects. Federal agencies and museums inventory and report NAGPRA items. They cannot be excavated without consultation.
  • Benin bronzes are made of brass and bronze. They are plaques and sculptures that decorated the royal palace of the kingdom of Benin. They are located in the Ethnological Museum in Berlin, Germany and in the british musem in London.
  • The main takeaways from the garbage project is that we see the truth about how much things people actually throw away they can't lie about it. How it affects our environment and how much trash there really is in the world and how bad it is.
  • New Yorks African burial ground was a cemetery for African Americans that was found. There was about 10-20,000 people buried there. There was eventually a memorial site for these individuals. Most of the populations died before 12 from the diseases etc.
  • The incan farming methods are important today because we use the same concept today. They use a lot of methods to save water today like the irrigation tunnels.
  • The skeletal indicators of bipedalism is foramen magnum at the base of the skull. The spinal column has an S curve. The pelvic shape is different instead of a elongated pelvis, bipeals have a wider shortened pelvis that provides support for upright bodies. The femur angles in. There is stable arches and no opposable big toes on their feet.
  • The four fields of anthropology are archaeology, biological, cultural, and linguistic anthropology.