what does cyclooxygenase (COX-1, COX-2) do during inflammation?
COX 1: Protect stomachlining + regulate platelets
COX 2: trigger inflammation and pain
what are aspirin and Diflunisal (Dolobid) examples of?
NSAIDS (salicylates)
What type of NSAIDS are Dipentum and Sulfasalazine?
Salicylate derivatives
What type of NSAIDS are Indomethacin (Indocin), Clinoril and Tolectin?
Parachlorobenzoic Acids (Indoles)
What type of NSAIDS are Voltaren, Voltaren XR, Toradol?
Phenylacetic Acid
what type of NSAID are Nalfon, Ansaid, Motrin, AdGil, Naprosyn, and Daypro?
Proponic Acid
what type of NSAIDs are Meclomen and ponstel?
Anthranilic Acids (Fenemates)
what type of NSAIDS are Feldene and Mobic?
what type of NSAID is Relefan?
what type of NSAID is Celebrex?
COX-2 Inhibitor, 2nd gen
who cant take aspirin
People with hypersensitivity to salicylates, NSAIDS, FLU/Virussymptom children, 3rd trimester pregnant.
What happens when children with FLU or virus symptoms take aspirin?
Reye’s syndrome: swelling in brain and liver damage.
Presents as confusion
What are nursing considerations for Aspirin?
Dont take with alcohol
Disctont. 5-7 days prior to surgery
Take with food to avoid GI upset
which symptoms of aspirin should be reported?
drowsiness, tinnitus, HA, Flushing, dizziness, GI symptoms.
in what conditions should you not stop aspirin before surgery?
Stent, cardiovascular dx, stroke. (UNLESS brain or spinal surgery- HAVE TO STOP)
What is the max amount of mg for ibuprofen a day?
What can aspirin be used for?
anti pyretic, anti platelet, anti inflammatory
Why does apirin have Gi side effects?
Inhibits COX 1 which protects stomachlining
what is important for propionic acid derivatives?
dont give to pt with kidney dx can result in renal failure.
What are nursing considerations for ibuprofen?
Observe for bleed (especially with AC)
Take with food reduce GI discomfort
avoid using with asa or acetaminophen
Avoid ETOH
Inform dentists b4 procedure
dont take while pregnant
what NSAID can you safely take when you are pregnant or breast feeding?
Tylenol (acetomenophen)
what is NSAID proponic acid derivative black box warning?
dont take with hx of cardiovascular dx or stroke because can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.
which NSAID is best for patients with ulcers or gastritis or stomach discomfort?
COX 2 inhibitor (cerebrex), Oxicams (Feldene)
what are the side effects of celebrex?
HA, dizziness, sinusitis, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, rash
what is the black box warning on cox-2 inhibitors?
pt with cardiovascular history or stroke history should not use
drug interactions with celebrex
decreased effect of ACE inhibitors, increased INR and GI bleed with warfarin, May increase toxicity when used with Lithium, fluconazole, increase celecoxib levels.
What are side effects of para-chlorobenzoic acids?
May increase BP, sodium, water retention
Which para-chlorobenzoic acids have less side effects.
Sulindac(cilnoril), Tolmetin (Tolection)
what is the first injectable NSAID
Toradol (Ketorolac Acid)
which NSAID is contraindicated in Narcotic addiction
Ketorolac Acid (Toradol)
What is piroxicam for?
Long term arthritic conditions
what is diclofenac sodium (voltaren) for?
decrease inflammation in RA, OA, Ankylosing Spondylitis
what is Indomethacin (Indocin) for?
RA, gouty arthritis, OA
What is Infliximab (Remicade) for?
To treat moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis and crohns disease.
what are the side effects of Infliximab (Remicade)
HA, Dizziness, Cough, Fatigue, Hot flashes, Anxiety, Insomnia, D/V/C, Rash, Alopecia, Urinary frequency