
Cards (346)

  • Ansoff's Matrix

    Shows the strategies that a firm can use to expand, according to how risky they are
  • Assets
    Resources owned by a business
  • Balance sheet

    A snapshot of a firm's finances at a particular time
  • Barrier to entry

    An obstacle that makes it harder for companies to enter a market
  • Benchmarking
    A process by which a company compares its performance with that of high-performing organizations
  • Big data
    Large quantities of data that can be collected from different sources
  • Blake Mouton Grid

    An analytical tool to assess leadership style based on the level of interest in the people or task
  • Boston Matrix

    Analyses all of the firm's products in terms of their market share and the growth of the market
  • Bowman's strategic clock
    Shows positioning strategies based on different combinations of price and perceived added value
  • Break-even analysis

    A method of determining what sales volume must be reached before total revenue equals total costs
  • Budget
    A plan for making and spending money
  • Capacity utilisation

    The proportion of total capacity that is used (expressed as a percentage)
  • Capital
    A company's wealth in the form of money or property
  • Capital expenditures

    Money used to buy fixed assets
  • Carroll's Pyramid of CSR
    A diagram showing four elements of CSR as layers in a pyramid
  • Cashflow
    The movement of money into and out of a business as goods are bought and sold
  • Centralization
    Decision authority is located near the top of the organization
  • Channel of distribution

    A pathway to direct products to consumers
  • Competitive advantage

    Providing greater value for customers than competitors can
  • Confidence interval
    A range in which you can say, with a certain level of confidence, that a value lies
  • Confidence level
    The probability that the research findings are correct
  • Consumer Price Index

    An index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
  • Contingency plan
    Plan for unexpected problems
  • Contribution
    The difference between selling price and variable cost
  • Core competencies
    • A unique feature of a business that gives it a competitive advantage
  • Corporate objectives

    Objectives that relate to the business as a whole. Usually set by top management.
  • CSR (corporate social responsibility)

    A company's contribution to society
  • Correlation
    A measure of the relationship between two variables
  • cost-push inflation

    rising prices as a result of rising production costs
  • Creditors
    Someone who a business owes money to
  • Critical path

    The sequence of activities in a project that is expected to take the longest to complete
  • Current Ratio
    A liquidity ratio that compares current assets to current liabilities
  • Debt Capital

    The capital raised by borrowing
  • Debtors
    People who owe money to the business
  • Decentralization
    A way to structure a business where decisions are shared across the company
  • Decision Trees
    Provides an example of scientific decision making and involves expected outcomes and net gains
  • Delayering
    Reducing the number of levels in the hierarchy of an organisation
  • Demand-pull inflation

    Higher prices as a result of consumers wanting to buy more goods and services than producers supply
  • Demographic change
    Changes in population statistics over time
  • Depreciation
    A decrease or loss in value