Medical Microbiology

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  • Medical Microbiology

    • Spans various studies from their genetic and biochemical properties to their mechanisms of infection and propagation
  • Core Areas of Study in Medical Microbiology

    • Bacteriology
    • Mycology
    • Parasitology
    • Virology
    • Serology
    • Molecular Microbiology
  • Bacteriology
    Focuses on bacterial species, their ecology, pathogenic mechanisms, and antibiotic resistance
  • Mycology
    Deals with fungal infections, understanding fungal pathogens especially those that cause systemic or opportunistic infections
  • Parasitology
    Studies parasites, focusing on those that invade and exploit human hosts, including protozoans and helminths
  • Virology
    Involves the study of viruses, viral life cycles, how viruses invade hosts, and the diseases they cause
  • Serology
    Pertains to the analysis of blood serum to identify antibodies and antigens related to infection
  • Molecular Microbiology
    Employs advanced molecular techniques to diagnose and monitor microbial diseases at a genetic level, including DNA/RNA analysis and PCR technology
  • Lab Structure
    • Modern microbiology labs are divided into specific benches for efficient processing of different types of samples, such as blood cultures, tissue samples, swabs, and various bodily fluids
  • Sample Processing
    Each bench uses standardized operating procedures to ensure accurate handling, processing, and analysis of specimens
  • Microscopy Types

    • Light and Inverted Microscopes
    • Phase Contrast
    • Fluorescence Microscopy
  • Gram Staining

    Includes application of a primary stain (Crystal Violet), a mordant (Iodine), a decolorizer, and a counterstain (Safranin)
  • Purpose of Gram Staining
    Differentiates bacteria into Gram - positive (purple) and Gram - negative (pink), crucial for subsequent antibiotic therapy decisions
  • Culture Media Types
    • Enriched Media
    • Selective and Differential Media
  • Culture Techniques

    Pathogens are isolated by culturing samples on various types of media
  • Incubation and Interpretation
    Post-incubation, cultures are examined for growth patterns, colony morphology, and hemolytic activities to help identify the microbial species
  • Molecular Diagnostics Techniques

    • PCR Techniques
    • Real-Time PCR