Patients can be asymptomatic, symptomatic and sometimes, manifestationsappearlate that they become untreated and progress into heart failure.
What are the types of valves?
Semilunar - Pulmonary and aortic valves (cusp formation are alike)
Atrioventricular valve - Tricuspid and mitral valves
How does the valve sit?
The pulmonary valve is the most anterior.
The aortic valve sits behind the pulmonary valve.
Mitral valve sits laterally to aortic valve
What is the enlargement between the aortic root area between the aortic valve annulus and the sinotubular ridge?
Sinus of Valsalva
The three cusps?
The right, left, and non-coronary cusps are adjacent to the orifices and to the coronaryvessels.
What is the mitral valve?
AKA parachute valve.
The valve ring (annulus) - Sits between the atria and the ventricle. The valve ring is an incomplete circle. There's a gap that allows it to move when the heart is contracting.
Leaflet of mitral valve
P1 (anterior or medial scallop), p2 (middle scallop), p3 ( Posterior or lateral scallop)
A1,A2, A3
Anterior mitral valve leaflet (AMVL)
Chordae tendineae
The chords go up and attach to both leaflets, the anterior and posterior, and then come down andattach to the papillary muscle.
Chords are there to ensure valves shut efficiently as valves has to withstand lots of pressure.
What does coacting mean?
What can we use to check mitral valve mobility and functionality?
M mode and E wave (which represents passive filling)
What happens when the pressure in the left ventricle is lower than the pressure in the left atrium?
Valve drops open
What is end-diastolic volume?
Volume of bloodin the ventricle at the end of diastole.
What is the largest hole and orifice within the heart?
The mitral valve. Mitral valve has the largestorifice between leftatrium and rightventricle
What are the three leaflets of the tricuspid valve?
Anterior, posterior, septalleaflet.
The septal is the smallest
Pulmonary valve morphology?
It has the samemorphologyas the aorticvalve but is notaustereto the coronaryvessels.
What opens and closes the valves?
When does the mitral valve open?
When the pressure in the leftventricle is lowerthan the pressure in the leftatrium.
When does the tricuspid valve open?
Pressure in the rightventricle has to be lowerthan the rightatrium for tricuspid valve to open.
When does the semilunar valve open?
When pressure in ventricleexceedspressureonothersideof the valve
What are the types of valvular heart disease?
Regurgitation (incompetence) - Leaky valves that allows for backflow of blood
Atresia/malformation - People born with malformed valve (congenital)
Stenosis - thickened, stiffened, narrowed or fused (obstruction to flow)