What group of people did Hoover summon, where, when & why?
Hooversummoned a group of prominent businessmen to the White House to urgethem to takemeasures which would reduceunemployment and help to restoreconfidence in the american economy.
what did hoover want his prominent businessmen to invest in & was this fulfilled.
new plants for factories
new plantson all types of construction
They promised to do this, yet did not.Investment of all typesdropped & unemploymentrose rapidly.
Industry had little choice & laid offworkers as demand for manufacturedgoodsfell.
While the smoot hawley tariff was originallydesigned to help agriculture, manufacturers persuaded congress to place high tariffs on any imports where this mightprotect their industries from foreign competition.
Many europeanbanks were failing in 1931, countries like germany could no longerafford to purchaseUS goods -> USsuffered further, as they were the main source of manufactured goods & without their consumers their economy suffered.Businessconfidencecollapsed & the reluctance to investworsened the crisis.
hooverstood for re-election in 1932, but it was not forgotten that he had cheerfully announced'the depression is over' in 1930, and lost to Franklin D. Roosevelt taking office in March 1933.
Although hoover was intelligent & able, he lackedcharisma, often seemeduncaring & cold.
Hoover'sincompetence was highlighted in 1932, in the middle of the election campaign, when 17,000armyveterans from WW1marched to Washington DC, to claimpayment of their war bonuses.
War bonuses
A cashpayment as a reward for the veteransservice to the country. The veterans had been promised that they would receive the bonuses in 1945, but they wanted the cash paid in 1932.
The veterans were drivenoff their campsites in the capital & some of their housing shacks were destroyed, they were treated very harshly by the US army.
While somebelived that these 'bonus marchers' were apart of revolutionary communistplot to seize power, mostsaw them as plain simple hungry men who had fought for their country & deserved better/decent treatment. This confirmedHoover'slack of compassion & ledmany to switch to voting for the democrats, as Hoover was a republican.
Roosevelt was elected by an overwhelming majority (57%), with 88 electoral college votes against Hoover's 59. He won all but six states.