Cards (60)

    The mixture of Greek and Persian cultures under Alexander
  • City-states
    Independent cities and their surrounding lands (small kingdoms)
  • Pantheon
    Roman temple to all deities
  • Old and New Testament
    The holy scriptures of Christianity
  • Doctrine
    The teachings of the Christian church
  • Monastery
    A religious community of men who have taken religious vows
  • Pax Romana
    200-year period of Roman peace
  • Icons
    Religious images used in Christianity
  • Moores
    Muslims of Spain
  • Parthenon
    Greek temple to Athena
  • Secular
    Refers to non-religious organizations/beliefs
  • Code of Draco
    Codified law of ancient Greece
  • Zoroastrianism
    Early Persian religion with a belief in the forces of good and evil
  • Citizen

    A person who can take part in the governing of society
  • Cradles of civilizations
    Term describing river valleys as the beginning of civilization
  • Mosaic
    Form of artwork using pieces of tile and glass to create images
  • Stonehenge
    Giant circles of stone in England probably used for religious ceremonies
  • Peloponnesian Wars
    Wars fought between the Spartans and Athenians
  • Usury
    The practice of lending money and charging interest, which was opposed by the church
  • Cuneiform
    Pictograms used in Sumer
  • Carbon dating
    Method of telling the approximate age of an artifact or fossil
  • Renaissance
    Period of renewed interest in classical culture during the late medieval period
  • 10 Commandments
    Moral law code of Judaism and Christianity
  • Neolithic Age
    Era characterized by development of agriculture, domesticated plants and animals
  • Ottoman Turks
    Islamic group that conquered Constantinople around 1300 AD
  • Archaeologist
    Person who uses artifacts and fossils to determine past human events
  • Hagia Sophia
    Early Christian church in Constantinople incorporating the dome on a rectangle
  • Empire
    A political unit composed of the kingdom and all of the conquered lands
  • Golden Age of Pericles/Classical Age
    Period where Greece reached its cultural height
  • Dynasty
    The passing of leadership from father to son
  • Greco-Roman

    The mix of Greek and Roman culture
  • Silk Road

    Overland trade route that connected China to Western Europe
  • Cyrillic alphabet

    Adapted from the Greek alphabet to represent the Slavic languages
  • Crusades
    Religious wars to regain Middle Eastern holy sites, especially Jerusalem by Christianity
  • Code of Justinian

    Codified law of the Byzantine Empire
  • Pictogram
    The earliest form of writing by man
  • Dome of the Rock
    Holy mosque built on a site in Jerusalem from where Muhammad ascended to heaven
  • Clan
    Interrelated groups of people
  • Money economy
    The exchange of goods for coins
  • Persian Wars
    Wars fought between the Persians and Greeks