Cards (23)

  • The study of acquiring knowledge through rational thinking and inquires that involves in answering questions
  • Defined as a unified being essentially connected to consciousness, awareness and agency
  • The first martyr of education, knowledge, and philosophy
  • The student of Socrates that is the reason he followed the idea of Socrates in knowing thyself. He was called the father of academy.
  • The part of person that is driven by desire and need to satisfy oneself.
    Appetitive Soul
  • Courageous part of a person
    Spirited Soul
  • The drive of out lives, the part that thinks and plan for the future.
    Rational Soul
  • A saint and philosopher of the church. He follows the idea that God encompasses us all.
    St. Augustine
  • A french philosopher known to be the father of modern philosophy because of his radical use of systematic and early scientific method to aid his idea and assumption.
    Rene Decartes
  • An English philosopher and physician. He is the father of classical liberation.
    John Locke
  • A Scottish philosopher. He is focused his work in the field of empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism.
    David Hume
  • A German philosopher that is known for his works of empiricism and rationalism.
    Immanuel Kant
  • An Austrian psychologist and physician. The father of psychoanalysis.

    Sigmund Freud
  • The child aspect of a person
  • The conscience of ones personality
    Super Ego
  • Police or the mediator between id and super ego.
  • Where minority of our memories are being stored.
  • The middle part of the entirety of our consciousness
  • This area where majority of our memories since childhood are deeply stored.
  • He used behavioristic approach to self.
    Gilbert Ryle
  • A Canadian philosopher whose focus is on the idea that people should improve out association and use worth in identifying the self.
    Paul Churchland
  • A French philosopher. He is known for his works on existentialism and phenomenology.
    Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau-Ponty
  • The most eminent 13th century scholar and stalwart of the medieval philosophy appended something to this Christian view.
    Thomas Aquinas