Established in 1994 by Monique Wilson, earned a reputation for staging thought-provoking productions on 'controversial" and profound topics
PhilippineOperaCompany (POC)
Founded in 1999 by a group of dedicated classically-trained singers, led by sopranoKarla Gutierrez as artisticdirectress, seeks to develop performers as well as audiences for classical music performances, both foreign and Filipino
Productions by PhilippineOperaCompany
The Mikado
Founded in 2007, with Philippine theater mainstay MichaelWilliams as artisticdirector, vision to widen the reach of stage productions beyond the traditional centers in Metro Manila, and therefore develop a broader audience base
Productions by TheaterDownSouth
AFunny ThingHappenedontheWaytotheForum
MoniqueWilson was a RepertoryPhilippines'protegee who went on to star on the international stage
New Voice Company was established in 1994
Theater Down South was founded in 2007
The PhilippineOperaCompany seeks to develop performers as well as audiences for classical music performances, both foreign and Filipino
NewVoiceCompany is known for staging thought-provoking productions on 'controversial" and profound topics
TheaterDownSouth was founded to widen the reach of stage productions beyond the traditional centers in Metro Manila, and therefore develop a broader audience base