ethnic DIA

Cards (18)

  • Berieter and Englemann consider the language spoken by black, lower class families to be inadequate for educational success
  • Gilborn and Mirza criticises Berieter and Englemann and notes that Indians succeed despite them having English as their second language
  • Moyinhan argues black children are deprived of adequate care due to lone mothers struggling financially and a lack of male role models of achievement, so go onto become inadequate parents themselves
  • Sewell argues the main cause of underachievement is the lack of fatherly nurturing (tough love) causing black boys to be subject to anti-educational peer group pressure, inspired by the ultra tough ghetto superstar where they avoid 'selling out' to the white establishment
  • Driver criticises the cultural deprivation theory and argues black families are not dysfunctional, but provide girls with a role model of independence
  • Keddie argues that children are culturally different (not deprived) and underachieve because schools are ethnocentric, favouring white culture over others
  • Guy Palmer noted that 1/2 ethnic minority children come from low income housing, ethnic minorities are 2x more likely to be unemployed and 3x more likely to be homeless
  • Gilborn and Youdell found that teachers were quicker to discipline black pupils because of their 'racialised expectations'. They expect black pupils to misbehave and misinterpret their behavior as threatening
  • Bourne found that schools saw black pupils as a threat, so labelled them negatively leading to exclusions
  • Wright found that teachers had ethnocentric views, seeing British culture as superior and assuming Asians had a poor grasp of English, so left them out of class discussions
  • Gilborn argues that marketisation of education puts ethnic minorities at disadvantage and there is racial bias in enrolment interviews, giving a lack of info to minority languages and minority parents unaware of enrolment procedures
  • Moore and Davensport found primary school reports were used to screen out pupils w/ language difficulty, showing how selection procedures lead to ethnic segregation
  • Mary Fuller studied year 11 black girls who rejected their negative labels and worked hard on the down low
  • Sewell identified 4 responses to racism; rebels, conformists, retreatists and innovators
  • Pryce found Asians achieved higher compared to blacks because their culture is more resistant to racism, unlike black/Caribbean which is less cohesive due to their experience of slavery which took their language, culture and family, causing low self esteem
  • Coard believes the ethnocentric curriculum is evidence of institutional racism within education - holidays/European language choices, leading to lower self esteem
  • Stone argues black people do not suffer low self esteem
  • Gillborn argues that teachers have an unconscious prejudice against black students