The ______________________________consists of multiple peritoneal ligaments and folds that connect the viscera to each other and to the abdominopelvic walls.
peritoneal cavity
What structures are within the cavity:
Lesser and greater omentum, Mesenteries, Ligaments and Multiple fluid spaces (lesser sac, perihepatic and subphrenic spaces)
____________________is a smooth membrane that lines the entire abdominal cavity and is reflected over the contained organs.
_______________ lines the walls of the cavity. (outside)
Parietal peritoneum
____________________ covers the abdominal organs (viscera) to a greater or lesser extent. (over the organs)
Visceral peritoneum
______________intestine suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by mesentery.
________________colon suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by the transverse mesocolon.
_______________colon suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by the sigmoid mesocolon.
General peritoneal cavity is known as the :
greater sac of the peritoneum.
With the development of the stomach and the spleen, a smaller sac, called the ______________________, is the peritoneal recess posterior to the stomach.
lesser sac (omental bursa)
The lesser sac communicates with the greater sac through a small vertical opening known as the +_______________.
epiploic foramen
Attachments of the peritoneum to the abdominal walls and organs help determine the way abnormal ______________________ within the peritoneal cavity can collect or move.
collections of fluid
When the patient is lying supine, the lowest part of the body is the _________.
On a transverse view, the flanks are _________than the mid abdomen.
Fluid will accumulate in the __________parts of the body.
Pelvis and ______________________ should be examined for pathologic collections of fluid.
lateral flanks (gutters)
__________________________: Double layer of peritoneum, extending from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach.
Lesser Omentum
Lesser Omentum acts as a __________for the stomach, suspending it from the liver.
_______________________: Apron like fold of peritoneum that hangs from the greater curvature of the stomach.
Greater Omentum
Greater Omentum lies freely over the _____________except for the upper part, which is fused with the transverse colon and mesocolon.
Greater Omentum can adhere to :
diseased organs.
Greater Omentum Helps prevent further spread of infected fluid by essentially "_____________" from the rest of the body.
walling it off
The greater omentum profusely supplied with blood vessels by the:
epiploic branches of the gastroepiploic vessels.
______________________ when inferior to diaphragm unilaterally and conform to shape of organ capsule
__________________does not conform to one single organ shape. It will also be a dependent collection
________________- when anterior or superior renal/ureter displacement occurs
Ligaments on the right side of the liver form the _____________and __________spaces.
subphrenic ; subhepatic
______________ divides the subphrenic space into right and left components.
Falciform ligament
_______________________ ascends from the umbilicus to the umbilical notch of the liver within the free margin of the falciform ligament before coursing in the liver.
Ligamentum teres hepatis
___________________ - right superior subhepatic space (between liver and right kidney)
Morison's pouch
________________________________: anatomically separate the subphrenic space into anterior and posterior compartments.
Left coronary ligaments
_____________________ and ___________divide the left subhepatic space into an anterior compartment (gastrohepatic recess) and a posterior compartment (lesser sac).
Lesser omentum ; stomach
Gastrohepatic recess forms the ____________ compartment of the left subhepatic space.
Lesser sac forms the __________ compartment of the left subhepatic space
Lesser sac lies anterior to the ______________and posterior to the ________.
pancreas ; stomach
__________________________forms the left lateral extension of the greater omentum and connects the gastric greater curvature to the superior splenic hilum.
Gastrosplenic Ligament
Gastrosplenic Ligament forms a portion of the left lateral border of the:
lesser sac.
Splenorenal ligament forms the _______________portion of the left lateral border of the lesser sac
Splenorenal ligament separates the lesser sac from the: