Types of Learning

Cards (12)

  • Signal Learning: person develops a general diffuse reaction to stimuli
  • Example of signal learning is return demonstration
  • Chaining: the acquisition of a series of related conditioned responses or stimulus response connections
  • An example of chaining is IV infusion backflow
  • Rule Learning: chain of concepts or relationships between concepts, "if ... then relationship"
  • Verbal Association: process of learning medical terminology
  • Concept Learning: learning how to classify stimuli into groups represented by a common concept
  • Problem Solving: must be able to recall and apply previously learned rules that relate to the situation
  • Learning needs: what learner needs to learn
  • Readiness to learn: when learner is receptive to learning
  • Learning style: how the learner best learns
  • Learning needs: gaps in knowledge that exist between the desired level of performance and actual level of performance