A hypothesized representation of memory with a number of separate locations in which information is stored
The concept of memory refers to the process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved
In psychology, a model of memory is a hypothesized representation of memory
Multi-store Model (MSM) of memory
Proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)
Memory consists of a number of separate locations in which information is stored
Memory processes are sequential
Each memory store operates in a single, uniform way
Multi-store Model of memory- stores
1. Sensory memory
2. Short-term memory (STM)
3. Long-term memory (LTM)
Short-term memory (STM)
Capacity limited to around 7 items
Duration normally 6-18 seconds
Information quickly lost if not rehearsed
Can be displaced by new information
Long-term memory (LTM)
Information transferred from STM through rehearsal
Hit by a cyclist at age 7, sustained headinjury
Developed epilepsy at age 10
At age 27, had surgery to remove tissue from medial temporal lobe, including hippocampus
After surgery, could not recall 12yearsbeforeoperation
Suffered from anterograde amnesia - could not transfer newinformation to LTM
Methods used to study HM
1. Psychometric testing
2. Direct observation
3. Interviews
4. Cognitive testing
Schema theory
Assumes humans are active processors of information, not passive responders
If information is missing, brain fills in blanks based on existing schemas
Components of thinking
Thinking that is directed toward solving specific problems by means of a set of mental strategies
Dual Processing Model
Postulates that there are two basic modes of thinking - "System 1" and "System 2"
We often use both System 1 and System 2 when addressing a problem, but System 1 is activated before System 2 can do its work, often interfering with the effectiveness of System 2.
Anchoring Bias
The tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered (the "anchor") when making decisions
Ethical considerations
Factors that should be obtained in every study for it to remain ethical, including informed consent, anonymity/confidentiality, protectionfromharm, righttowithdrawal, deception, and debriefing
There are cases where ethical considerations are hard to preserve or overlooked by researchers.
Humans try to find meaning in what they experience and if something seems unfamiliar they will try to fit the experience into existing schemas
Loftus & Palmer study
Demonstrated that people's memory can be manipulated by post-event information and the wording of a question
Loftus has demonstrated that it is possible to plant a false memory in participants and that they will claim that they have actually experienced the event
Loftus' research has drawn attention to the problems of eyewitnesstestimony where people may give false evidence because of leadingquestions in the courtroom
Independent Variablein the Loftus and Palmer study
The intensity of the verb used in the critical question
Dependent Variable
The estimation of speed
45 students participated in the experiment, divided into 5 groups
The study was an independent sample design; each participant watched all 7 films
1. Participants watched films, gave account of accident, answered questionnaire with critical question about speed estimate
2. Critical word (hit, collided, bumped, smashed, contacted) varied between groups
Case studies offer in-depth insights into individual cognitive processes, while experiments allow for controlled manipulation of variables to establish causal relationships
Case studies provide rich qualitative data but may lack generalizability, while experiments offer replicable results and quantitative analysis
Integrating both case study and experimental approaches can provide a more comprehensive understanding of cognition
Working memory model
A development of the multi-store model of memory
Short-term memory in the original model is changed to a more sophisticated version in the working memory model
This is an example of how theories and models develop over time as science produces new findings
Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
Among the first to challenge the view that STM is a single store
Working memory model
STM is not a single store but rather consists of a number of different stores
Dual-task technique
Participants carry out two tasks at once
If participants perform two tasks simultaneously that both involve listening
They perform them less well than if they did them separately
Central executive
An attention control system that monitors and coordinates the operations of the sub-systems of processing and storage
Has the capacity to focus attention, divide attention between two or more sources, and switch attention from one task to another
Has limited capacity
Episodic buffer
Temporarily holds several sources of information active at the same time, including auditory, visual, and information from LTM
Landry and Bartling (2011) conducted an experiment using articulatory suppression to test the Working Memory Model
Used independent designs with two groups: a control group that performed no concurrent task, and an experimental group that performed articulatory suppression