foreign policy

Cards (35)

  • What was announced in 1823 by President James Monroe and John Quincy Adams his sec of state?

    The Monroe Doctrine
    -US policy was to avoid becoming involved in European wars unless American interests involved
    -The 'American continents' were not to be colonised by any European powers
    -Any such attempts at colonisation would he regarded as 'unfriendly' acts
    Indicated a disinterest in foreign affairs
  • In the nineteenth century the USA seemed detached from foreign entanglements- what is this policy generally referred to as?

  • What treaty was signed to promote trade in 1868?
    Burlingame Treaty
  • In 1869, which nation offered itself for colonisation?
    The Dominican Republic
    -The Senate rejected the annexation of the Republic as there was fear that the area was seen as 'inferior' so would be admitted into the union or the former colony make become a state (undermining the current White rule/power)
  • Which area was purchased in 1867 from Russia for $7.2 million?
    -Purchased by William Seward
    -Alaskan Harbours would be a gateway to Northern Asia
    -Pacific coastline of US expanded
    -Good relations retained with Russia
  • Who was the most famous advocate of naval expansion?

    Captain Alfred Thayer
    -Two influential books:
    -The Influence of Sea Power Upon History in 1890
    -The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empires, two years later
  • What conference occurred in October 1889?
    Pan-American Conference
    -October 1889
    -Delegated from 18 Countries met in Washington with two main aims
    -a customs union offering free trade across the continent and a system for international arbitration to avoid future wars
    -weak arbitration system set up
    -Pan-American Union set up to organise future conferences
    -Set the precedent for future conferences
  • What is the ideology of Harold Evans that suggests that the US never sought empire at all?

    Accidental Empire
    -huge amount of trade with Britain already
  • What was ideology that the US was motivated by a desire to improve the lives of non-Americans?

    Progressive Imperialism
    -WASPS seen as the superior people, who had the duty to help members of the 'lesser races
  • What ideology was suggested because of the Depression of 1893?
    Need for Markets
  • Which ideology was first expressed by the historian Frederick Jack Turner in 1893?
    The End of Westward Expansion
    -America could turn its attention to foreign affairs
  • Which form of imperialism refers to the idea that countries take colonies to prevent others from doing so?

    Preclusive Imperialism
  • Which small island country was established as a protectorate following a civil war in 1898?
    -first began 1872 when the King of Samoa offered the USA the naval base of Pago Pago
  • What was annexed in 1898?
    -Since 1875 the USA had importer Hawaiian sugar duty feee (increasing dependency of US)
    -By the 1890s, 3000/90000 Hawaiians living on the island were American sugar growers
    -In 1887, the USA established its first major Pacific naval base at Pearl Harbour
    -1890 Mckinley Tariff removed duties on raw sugar
    -July 1898 annexed following the suppression of a rebellion in 1891
  • What island was purchased from Spain for $20 million as a part of the Treaty of Paris (1898)?

    -Reasons for:
    -USA would be able to civilise the islanders
    -Preclusive Imperialism as fear that Br, Ger or Japan would take over
    -Filipinos wanted independence but seemed incapable of ruling themselves effectively
  • Organic Act of 1900 allowed what island to be administered by the USA

    Puerto Rico
  • In 1895 which nation disputed with Britain leading to Cleveland to demand arbitration?
  • Reasons for Spanish American War 1898
    -Cuba was in America's interest according to the Monroe Doctrine
    -A private letter from the Spanish Minister in Washington DC was stolen and printed, this accused Mckinley of being a 'weak bidder for the administration of the crowd' in his Cuban Policy
    -Maine Incident: 266 crew died and Spanish Accused of sabotage (15th Feb 1898)
    -Yellow Press- journalism accused Spanish of atrocities
  • Results of the War

    -Cubans were not considered
    -Treaty of Paris signed with Spain in August 1898
    -Cuban independence recognised but the USA was allowed the possession if Guantanamo Bay
    -Spain lost the last parts of its American empire by ceding Puerto Rico in the Caribbean to the USA
    -The USA was able to purchase the Philippines for $20 million
    -Spain also ceded the Pacific island of Guam to the USA
  • What gave increased power to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904 sanctioning US armed intervention in Latin America?
    The Roosevelt Corollary
  • What had Congress passed in April 1898 which stated that the USA would not annex the island of Cuba?
    The Teller Amendment
  • Following the decision that Cuba could not rule itself what was passed in 1901?
    The Platt Amendment
  • What did the final treaty with Cuba do in 1903?

    Imposed a new political system on the country and made its economy heavily dependent on the USA
  • What was built in 1914 following Roosevelt's intervention?

    Panama Canal
    1881-French company began to build canal but ran out of finances
    American Company encouraged by Roosevelt took over rights to build the canal
    Colombia demanded $15 million from US government and $10 million from New Panama Canal Company
    Roosevelt refused to pay
    1903- Panama stage revolt, US assists
    Panama achieve independence and accept $10 million to build the canal of US
    1914-Canal completed and within a year over 1000 ships using it annually
  • Which nation did Taft install a pro-American President in? (1909)

    -controlled national bank
    -Within three years, sent 3000 troops when position of Diaz was under threat
    -USA set up a protectorate and occupied country for following ten years
  • What was an example of the US using its 'police' power?

    Dominican Republic
    1903- Republic defaulted on the repayment of American loans worth $40 million
    1904- took control of the customs revenue of the DR
    -The President described this as his 'big stick' policy
  • What was introduced in 1899 that allowed trade with China?
    Open Door Policy
  • What occurred that showed that the US government would protect the lives and property of US citizens living in China?
    1900- Boxer Rebellion
  • Roosevelt helped negotiate between, which two nations?

    Japan and Russia after the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905
    Treaty of Hampshire
  • Why had the Treaty of Hampshire worsened relations with Japan for US?

    Despite Japan being given a free hand in Korea, the Japanese blames Roosevelt for the decision not to force Russia to pay a war indemnity
  • In 1908, what was signed to help relations with Japan?

    The Root-Takahira Agreement, the two countries agreed to respect each other's interests in China and to maintain the current situation in the Pacific
  • Wilson proposed a settlement based on what after WW1?

    His 'Fourteen Points'
    -the First five considered general principles to maintain relations between countries
    -The next eight out with mass of self-determination
    Borders were redrawn according to the wishes of local populations
    Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France
    -Fourteenth point announced the setting up of a league of Nations
  • Why was Wilson going to Paris momentous?

    No previous president had left the US whilst in office
  • Why did the USA not join the LON?

    -Wilson went against doctors and on September 25th Wilson collapsed
    -Wilson refused to compromise, failed by 53 to 38 votes
    -In March 1920 it had originally failed by only seven votes when presented in front of the Senate, 49 to 35 votes
  • What declared that the war was over and the Senate passed the peace treaties except for the Covenant of the loN?

    The Knox-Porter Resolution in October 1921