The internal framework of eukaryotic cells, composed of three main types of filaments: microfilaments,intermediate filaments, and microtubules
5-9nm, Actin polymers
Intermediate filaments
9-10nm, 6classes with common structure, show cell & tissue-specific expression except Lamins that form the Nuclear Lamina in all cells
25nm, Tubulin Polymers
Cytoskeletal Filaments
Assembled from PreformedSubunits
Cells build the large filamentous structures of the cytoskeleton by the repetitive joining of smallerpreformedsubunits
Scaffolds of filaments can be quickly removed and reassembled in another location
Cytosolic pool
A pool of subunits available at any place the cell requires filaments
Intermediate filaments
Made up from small fibrous units
Microfilaments and microtubules
Built from yet smaller globular proteins
Actin microfilaments and microtubules exist in the cytosol as preformed subunits that can be rapidly assembled or disassembled during dynamic shape changes such as those necessary for cell migration
The staticappearance of actin filament bundles in micrographs is an illusion. In common with microtubules, microfilaments are constantly being remodelled
Depolymerised actin or tubulin subunits re-join the cytosolicpool and are free to diffuse throughout the cell
Small segments of polymerised filaments act as nucleation centres that rapidly speeds up fibre generation
The process where the growth of F-actin from G-actin isn't a linear process as, due to the weakness of their molecular associations, small actin oligomers are unstable and don't become stable until many monomer subunits are in association
Generation of assembly points (nuclei) of filament elongation is slow, representing the Rate-Limiting-Step in actin elongation
In cell-free solutions of G-actin the equilibrium between G and F actin may be pushed towards the F-form by "seeding" the solution with small actin filaments
Actin filament nucleation and assembly sites
Diverse but often located in the cell cortex, just internal to the plasma membrane
Actin-related protein complex (ARP)
Mimics the plus end of an actin filament and permits a stable point for nucleation of a filament, thus bypassing the rate limiting step in the process
The ARP initiates actin assembly most efficiently when bound to the side of a pre-existing actin filament; the new fibre grows at an angle of 70 degrees to the original and this results in a complex inter-linked mesh
A different family of nucleating proteins that substitute the ARP role when cells require parallel bundles of unbranched filaments as in contractile stressfibres
Tropomyosin and Cofilin
Accessory proteins that bind longitudinally to actin assemblies to influence their stability
Capping proteins
Accessory proteins that bind to the open ends of actin assemblies to influence their stability
Polymerization of actin requires ATP
Polymerization occurs one monomer at a time
During polymerization ATP becomes hydrolysed and the resulting ADP becomes trapped in the polymer
Actin polymerization is not driven by ATP hydrolysis, but the hydrolysis weakens the bonds between the monomers making depolymerisation easier (vital for the dynamic nature of the function of the actin cytoskeleton)
Polymerization can occur at both ends of an actin filament, but is 10 times faster at the plus end
Gross Actin Format
Varies according to location and purpose, mediated by different cross-linking proteins
Focal complexes
Structures where the actin cytoskeleton interacts with the cells external environment, containing proteins such as integrins,paxillin,vinculin and talin
Cell migration in mammals
Accomplished through cell crawling, dependent on a continuous and integrated series of rapid cytoskeletal rearrangements
Actin-rich structures (lamellipodia & filopodia) are pushed out at the front of the cell (leading edge), using actin polymerisation to do mechanical work
The actin cytoskeleton becomes attached to the substratum via intermediateadhesionmolecules
The bulk of the trailing cytoplasm is drawn forward, using the myosin II motor protein to do mechanical work
The subunit of each microtubule, a heterodimer of α-tubulin and β-tubulin
A microtubule is a stiff hollow tube formed from 13 protofilaments aligned in parallel
Nucleation, Elongation,Steady state
The 3 phases of microtubule formation and maintenance
In the cell microtubules grow from a specific nucleating site, in most cases the centrosome
In a typical cell the ratio of microtubules to free tubulin is around 50:50
The rate of microtubule polymerization is 3 times greater at the plus end than at the minus end