English-all topics

Cards (46)

  • Narrative
    The telling of a sequence of events or a story
  • Sequence of events

    • It helps you remember the order of the story
  • Settings
    Refers to the time and place of a story
  • Dynamic character
    Refers to the character that undergo development throughout the story
  • Realism
    Refers to situations that happen in real life
  • Fantasy
    Refers to events that cannot happen in real life
  • Fiction
    Is a work of imagination
  • Genres of fiction
    • Fantasy
    • Sci-fi
    • Horror
  • Fantasy
    Genre of fiction where magic and supernatural elements form the centre plot of the story
  • Sci-fi

    It talks about science and technology and its impact on society
  • Types of Settings

    • Temporal Setting
    • Spatial Settings
    • Social
  • Temporal Setting
    Refers to the time when the story happens
  • Spatial Settings
    Refers to the place where the story happened
  • Social
    Refers to the beliefs and views of people in that particular time and place
  • Horror
    To horrify and scare an audience
  • Contrast
    To show differences or unlikeness
  • Compare
    To examine the qualities that are the same
  • Propaganda
    Dissemination of information to influence public opinion
  • Types of propaganda techniques
    • Card stacking
    • Testimonial
    • Glittering generalities
    • Plain folks
    • Bandwagon
    • Name-calling
  • Antonyms
    Comparing words with opposite meanings
  • Synonyms
    Comparing words with similar meanings
  • Denotation
    Refers to the literal meaning of a word
  • Connotation
    Refers to the suggested meanings of a word
  • Graphic organizer
    Is a visual tool used to express and show relationship between ideas and thoughts
  • Venn diagram
    Used to show the differences and similarities of a concept
    1. K-W-L Chart
    Used to list things that you know before and after reading a topic
  • Web chart
    Used to list down things that you associate with a certain topic
  • Adage
    Is a short quote that expresses a general truth
  • Intonation
    Describes the rise and fall of pitch while speaking
  • Tense
    Refers to the specific time WHEN the verb happened
  • Aspect
    Refers to the relationship of the verb to time and other conditions
  • Alliteration
    Repetition of consonant sounds
  • Types of Aspect
    • Progressive
    • Perfect
  • Assonance
    Repetition of vowel sounds
  • Onomatopoeia
    Uses words that imitate real life sounds
  • Simile

    A phrase which compares something to something else using the words as or like
  • Rhyme
    Repetition of sounds in two or more words
  • Figure of speech

    Used to convey a more deep meaning
  • Metaphor

    When there is a comparison made between two different things which share something in common
  • Apostrophe
    Speaking to an object or item that is not alive as if it were, alive