
    Cards (11)

    • Define Transfusion science
      The study of blood transfusion and related processes
    • Label the components of the centrifuged blood
      A) Plasma
      B) Erythrocytes
      C) Buffy coat
      D) Leukocytes and platelets
    • What is haemopoiesis
      Development of blood cells.
    • What are the main features of erythrocytes
      • Biconcave
      • Enucleated
      • Large surface area
      • Haemoglobin
      • Enzymes
    • What is haemoglobinopathies
      Abnormal production of haemoglobin
    • What do megakaryocytes form and how.
      Platelets. Pinch of regions of the cytoplasm.
    • what is Thalassaemias
      Reduced rate of synthesis of either the Alpha or Beta chains.
    • What is the pathology of thalassemias
      Small erythrocytes are destroyed resulting in anaemia.
    • What are the two types of thalassemias
      Alpha or Beta.
    • Where is thalassemias most common
      Alpha is most common in the far east. Beta is most common in the mediterranean.
    • What is an autologous blood transfussion
      Patient's blood is removed and transfused into them.