Men typically fulfill instrumental roles, while women tend to occupy expressive roles
Gendered division of labor as crucial for societal harmony and efficiency
Socialization into these predetermined roles contributes to gender inequality by influencing the choices men and women make regarding family and work
Marxist/conflict theory
Examine how gender assumptions and biases result in the empowerment of men, the oppression of women, and the structural inequality favoring men over women
Perceive gendered power dynamics as ingrained within the social framework, evident across various facets of a patriarchal society
Symbolic interactionism
Gender is something that is produced through interaction between people, and as such is an interactional accomplishment
Gender is unstable and fluid and is produced by people through interaction
A theory about social life and human experience that investigates the conditions and experiences of women in society
Mary Wollstonecraft, English writer and passionate advocate of educational and social equality for women
A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Equality on Education: Develop critical thinking and reasoning skills, Improved educational system for women
Marriage as "legal prostitution"
Waves of feminism
First wave (1830-1920)
Second wave (1960-1990)
Third wave (late 1990s to early 2000s)
Fourth wave (age of social media)
Feminist theory is not just about women
The goal of feminism is to empower and broaden the understanding of women in order to create a better world that is perceived to be more just and humane
Questions to understand women
What about women?
Why is all this as it is?
How can we change and improve the social world as to make it a more just place for all people?