BreedingSoundnessEvaluation - more than just a semen exam.
BSE Evaluation:
To observe in bulls while servicing a cow/heifer:
Breeding Soundness Evaluation:
Restrained in the chute.
Breeding Soundness Evaluation:
Conduct BCS.
Breeding Soundness Evaluation:
General physical examination - feet, legs, eyes, sheath.
Breeding Soundness Evaluation:
Palpation of inguinal rings and internal genitaliaperrectum to detect abnormalities.
Breeding Soundness Evaluation:
Testes should be symmetrical in size, smooth, resilient, and freelymovable within the scrotum.
Breeding Soundness Evaluation:
Palpate the scrotum to evaluate testes, epididymides, spermaticcords, and scrotalskin.
Cryptorchidism - is considered an undesirable heritable trait and renders a bull unsatisfactory for breeding even though semenquality might be acceptable.
Testes should be cooler than the core body temperature for optimal sperm production.
Testes temperature: 2–6C or 35.6–42.8F
Epididymis - should have no palpable masses.
Scrotalcircumference – a measurement considered as a reliable predictor of pairedtestisweight.
Scrotal circumference - provides an accurate estimate of daily sperm production and quality.
Scrotalcircumference - should be measured at its maximal diameter, and size depends greatly on bull age and breed.
Scrotum circumference:
≥30 cm = < 15months old
Scrotum circumference:
31 cm = 16–18months old
Scrotum circumference:
32 cm = 19–21months old
Scrotum circumference:
33 cm = 22–23months old
Scrotum circumference:
34 cm = ≥2year old
Testicular size - is directly related to the volume of sperm production and to the onset of puberty in the offspring.
Asymmetrical scrotum - the other testicle is smaller but both has normal tone.
Asymmetricaltestes - different lengths but both has normal tone.
Unilateral scrotal enlargement - the other testis is enlarged due to a hydrocele.
Inguinal hernias - most common on the left side.
Inguinalhernia - contents can generally be reduced.
Penis - examined at full erection for abnormalities.
Preputialwashing - isolation and culture of Campylobacter fetus venerialis, or Tritrichomonasfoetus.
Semen collection via AV - 40.5–42C
SemencollectionviaAV - is a critical factor in stimulating ejaculation.
Semen evaluation:
Presence of cells other than spermatozoa in the sample should be investigated while estimating motility (RBCs, WBCs, immaturesperm).
SatisfactoryPotentialBreeders – bulls that have no physical abnormalities that would prevent breeding, meet minimal qualifications for SC, motility, morphology.
Rams - BSE is performed using an electroejaculator.
Rams BCS:
1–2 questionable (underconditioned)
3–4 satisfactory
5 questionable (overconditioned)
Brucellaovis - common cause of epididymal masses (sperm granulomas), also associated with testicular atrophy.