Essay 1.

Cards (21)

  • Essay Question -  To what extent did US entry into the first world war contribute to the defeat of the central powers?
    • WWI a monumental conflict that engulfed the war 1914-18 witnessed the entry of the us in 1917 which had an impact on the outcome of war
    • Entry of US represented a significant shift in international relations and global power dynamics
    • Prior to involvement, US was committed to policy of neutrality, maintaining economic and political distance from European powers embroiled in the devastating conflict 
  • Yet a series of events (Zimmermann Telegram - an intercepted message from Germany to Mexico proposing military alliance against US was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back - and the sinking of Lusitania - Germany’s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare 1917) led to the US breaking its stance of non-intervention
  • Size/resources of american military played a role in tipping the balance in favour of the allies
    • Military front, american involvement brough fresh troops and significant industrial resources to an exhausted and nearly depleted allied front
    • Population over 100 mil and vast industrial capabilities, the US possessed a tremendous capacity to contribute to war effort
  • American soldiers fought in pivotal battles (Meuse-Argonne Offensive 1918) demonstrating combat effectiveness and contributing to the erosion of the central power’s military strength
    • American entry A.Links suggests acted as a million man shock to the central powers both physically and psychologically
    • Geopolitical scale, US entry signified nation’s rise as a global power, US used its increased influence to shape post war world order, epitomised by Wilson’s 14 points, a visionary blueprint for a new international system based on democracy, self-determination, and collective security
    • Economic support from the US played a role, american economy characterised by its industrial might and financial resources, provided essential backing to the allied powers
    • America’s economic ties, particularly Br/Fr were substantial, trade between the US and these nations escalated during war years, M. Kazin argues from $825 mil 1914 to 3.2 bil 1916
    • This increased interdependence made it more difficult for the US to remain aloof 
    • Through financial loans and extensive trade relationships, the US ensured the sustenance of the war effort 
    • American production capabilities helped meet the growing demands of the allied forces, providing crucial supplies, munitions, and equipment
    • Economic strain on the central powers exacerbated by the allied economic blockade, undermined their ability to sustain their military operations and weakened their resolve
  • Technological advancements introduced by the US further contributed to the defeat of the central powers
  • American industry led innovations in areas such as aircrafts, tanks, and naval warfare
    • Introduction of advanced weaponry (fighter planes and tanks) shifted the balance of power on the battlefield
    • Notable examples include American built Renault FT tanks played a role in breaking through anemone lines and providing support to ground forces
    • US Navy’s convoy system also proved instrumental in countering German submarine attacks and ensuring safe transport of troops/supplies across Atlantic