AnginaPectoris -Severe chest pain with feeling of suffocation
Angiospasm Sudden contraction of smooth muscle of the wall of blood vessel; can interrupt blood flow
Aortostenosis Narrowing of aorta; Congenital or result of disease
Arrhythmia Any irregularity in the heart beat
Arteriosclerosis Diminished elasticity of arterial walls
Atheroma Fatty deposit that obstructs blood flow through a vessel usually artery
Atherosclerosis Fatty deposits within a blood vessel
Atherosclerosis fatty deposits within a blood vessel
Bradycardia Abnormally slow heart beat
Cardiacarrest- Cessation of cardiac function; Non- synchronous muscular contraction
Cardiomyopathy Heart muscle disease.
Coarctation Narrowing of blood vessel; congenital malformation.
CongestiveHeartFailure (CHF)- the ability of the heart to pump blood is impaired causing fluid to back up in the lungs and
other tissues.
CoronaryArteryDisease Impair the ability of the coronary arteries to deliver an adequate supply of blood to the heart
Embolism Sudden blockage of an artery by a clot or other particle circulating in the blood
Essential hypertension Type of HTN in which the cause of elevated blood pressure is unknown
Fibrillation Irregular, quivering contractions of ventricular muscle resting from desynchronization of electrical impulses in the
Flutter characterized by rapid but regular contractions of the atria or ventricles
Heart Block Disturbance in the transmission of electrical signals through the cardiac conduction system
Hypertension Consistently elevated BP
Hypotension Abnormally low blood pressure
Infarction Area of necrosis occurring as a result of oxygen deprivation
Ischemia Temporary oxygen deficiency due to an interruption of blood flow to a tissue or organ
LeftVentricularHypertrophy Enlargement of the left ventricular wall, usually occurring as a result of chronic HTN
Malignant Hypertension Dangerously high BP which is sustainedover time, causing damage to the vasculature
Mitral Stenosis Narrowing of the opening between the left atrium and left ventricle, with obstruction of blood flow between
Mitral Stenosis Narrowing of the opening between the left atrium and left ventricle, with obstruction of blood flow between
MitralValveProlapse Condition in which a flap of the mitral valvecollapses into the left atrium during systole
Murmur Soft blowing sound heard between normal beats of the heart, usually resulting from vibration in a valve
Myocardial Infarction (MI)- Condition in which delivery of oxygen to a portion of the heart muscle is impaired,
resulting in death of the tissue in that area.
Myocarditis Inflammation of the muscular layer of the heart wall, usually due to infections
Palpitation An unusually rapid or strong heart beat that is perceptible to the patient
Pericarditis Inflammation of the fibrous sac surrounding the heart, usually due to infection
PeripheralVascularDisease Progressive disease in which the blood vessels of the legs become narrower, usually due to
Phlebitis Inflammation of the vein; Nearly always the legs; tender and painful; red, warm; lump usually
tubular in shape; usually along line of inner thigh or calf
Raynaud’sphenomenon Vascular disorder in which the fingers and toes become cold, numb and
painful as a result of temporary constriction of blood
vessels in the skin
RheumaticHeartDisease Caused by rheumatic fever, in which persistent streptococcal infection
causes inflammation and scarring of the valves,
impairing their ability to open and close normally
SecondaryHypertension Type of HTN in which blood pressure is elevated as a result of another
condition, usually kidney disease
Tachycardia a condition that makes your heart beat more than 100 beats per minute