Essay Question - Strengths and weaknesses of the League of Nations
LoN = success, but, failure or not, concept was far ahead of its time.
League created simply because Wilson demanded, 1919 - Promote international peace/ righteousness. (wanted communication rather than resorting to violence)
Made of 42 countries, by 1930s rose to 60.
Various flaws in League, but achieved many things in short life.
LoN had four main functions: to stop war, disarmament, improving people's lives, and enforce TreatyofVersailles.
League did not stop war; possible that it helped cause WorldWarII, but did settle cases that could have resulted in war.
Corfu, League managed to get Italy to leave Greece. (forced Greeks to pay Italy compensation)
1925, settled disagreements between Greece and Bulgaria. (condemned Greeks)
Persuaded Yugoslavia to leave Albania and stop dispute over Aaland Islands.
League could not afford to displease any wealthy countries. (one law for the powerful one for the weak)
Motives behind disarmament are honourable but if disputes happened, had no way of dealing.
Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 signed by 65 countries/outlawed war, completely ignored.
30's, League's disarmament talks came to a halt.
Germany refused to agree - wanted quality with Br/Fr
League had four powers:
Power of Covenant (reminded to obey rules.)
Condemnation (if rules broke, had power to frown disapprovingly.)
Arbitration (made into councillors.)
Sanctions (stop others from trading.)
This was most influential power but was useless.
Applied power of sanctions which would have devastated Japan - had no natural resources.
Yet trade continued with Japan - countries economies dependent.
League managed to make the world a better place.
Not abolish slavery completely but freed 200k slaves in Africa/Burma.
Cut down on leprosy/malaria.
Housed, fed, dealt with prisoners of war.
Made drugs illegal, shut down large pharmaceutical companies.
League helped Austria/Hungary with struggling economy.
Enforce ToV, League forced Germany to pay reparations/made sure they followed the rules.
Br, Fr, Belgium invaded/forced Germany to pay.
1923, Germany stopped paying.
Br/Bel did not invade/ only Fr went in.
League gave Germans no reason to respect/agree with them
League took control of Saar/demilitarisedRhineland - Germany vulnerable.
Beginning, League didn't allow Germany to join - representation = problem among League.
Idea was to encompass all nations but most never joined.
League was mainly made up of European countries, main powers = Fr, Br, It, Jap.
Greatest weakness of League = lack of US.
Took away most of League's potential power
Since US refused to join, Br/Fr often disagreed.
League made up of members from Alliance who all had biases towards Axis.
Bias caused many Axis to struggle in trying to rebuild their countries.
Important weaknesses = self-interest (few committed to goals of LoN)
J. Joll - Failure of LoN = ToV divided Europe (into countries who wanted to uphold it and the ones who weren’t interested)
E.H Carr - LoN did not fail but the member did
P. Birdsall - US was not involved = main reason for failure ToV + LoN
P. Kennedy - LoN + ToV were successful in 1920s but crushed by militarism of Japan, Germany, Italy 1930s and GreatDepression
A. Adamthwaite - ToV = brave attempt to deal with intractable perhaps insoluble problems